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Buddy & Me funded on Kickstarter without Wii U stretch goal reached, but could still hit Nintendo’s console

Posted on April 20, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Buddy & Me managed to surpass its goal on Kickstarter. A total of $42,093 was raised out of the desired $40,000 amount.

As you may remember, the Wii U was added in to the campaign as a stretch goal. The necessary $55,000 total wasn’t met, however. What does that mean for the Wii U?

The official Kickstarter page explains:

First up, let me say that we owe our loyal Nintendo fans so much. You guys have been amazing, and are one of the biggest reasons this Kickstarter survived after its first three weeks. You’ve reminded the team of how much our previous games meant to you, and really inspired the team. We will not forget that. We don’t want to let you down.

Bottom line, it does cost a lot extra to port to Wii U, and we will need to find that funding somehow, somewhere, sometime. We can’t in any way promise or guarantee it until we’ve figured out how to do it… but what we can promise, is that we’ll try.

You’ll be happy to know, we’ve already reached out to Nintendo (Nintendo of America headquarters is just a few miles away from us), and are trying to figure out exactly what it would take to get development kits, and get more familiar with the technology.

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