Capcom has no news on Monster Hunter 4 localization
Capcom still has no news regarding Monster Hunter 4 localization. Christian Svensson was actually responding to a question about more Wii U/3DS cross-compatible releases and the possibility of an HD edition of the 3DS title.
In any case, here’s what Svensson had to say about Monster Hunter 4:
I hesitate to make sweeping statments like this that will inevitably be re-reported and extrapolated to be more than what’s actually said… however:
Japan has an increasingly portable market and Monster Hunter has thrived there in the “ad hoc” world of face-to-face play. The Western markets have focused multiplayer play around online which has traditionally meant in the home, for which consoles have historically had a better play.
I think in the case of Tri Ultimate it was fairly serendipitous that we went this way but it’s impossible for me to predict the future for the franchise beyond that. For MH4, we haven’t announced release of that title in the West at this time nor have we discussed any platforms beyond 3DS. You’ll note MH4 has moved its release date in Japan with a single SKU to later than originally announced. That team is laser focused on getting done what needs to happen to make that a fantastic fron the ground up 3DS Monster Hunting experience. As such, any other discussion on this topic at this time at this point is moot.