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Capcom making Dead Rising “accessible” on Wii

Posted on September 4, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“We definitely wanted to make Dead Rising on the Wii more accessible. You know, some of the elements in the original one were really cool but more targeted for the hardcore audience. So, things like the mini-game side missions that were in the original Dead Rising are incorporated into the actual narrative of the story now. So, you know, a lot of the hardcore users wanted that extra something to go back to whereas now you can play through the whole game and experience a lot of those different stuff that might have been missed originally.” – Capcom PR rep

The same representative also mentioned that there will be a “satisfactory number of enemies on screen to fight off against” in Chop Till You Drop.

I understand the partial meaning behind these words, though I can’t ever imagine Grandma Muriel playing Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop. Additionally, in some ways, these statements are a bit disheartening for hardcore Wii owners. Capcom is deliberately making Dead Rising on Wii more casual because of the majority audience that owns the system. Even though Dead Rising is a very hardcore game, Capcom still wants it to appeal to every type of Wii owner.

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