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Capcom outlines steps needed to help push for Phoenix Wright – Dual Destinies physical release

Posted on June 17, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

At E3 2013 last week, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies producer Motohide Eshiro made comments in a Polygon interview that left the door open for a physical release of the game. Capcom USA senior vice-president Christian Svensson has now followed up with some additional remarks, outlining steps fans can take to help make this a reality.

Svensson’s words are below. Remember: nothing is guaranteed!

In the days after we announced AA5 for the West being digital only, and the requests of others for a physical release, we mobilized our US team to put together possible options that may address the concerns.

As a part of that process, Eshiro-san and I have met mulitple times, including the morning where he gave the interview where he made the statement above. I was not quite ready to open the possibility to folks until we had a few more ducks in a row but Eschiro suggested he mention the potential in an an interview he was having that afternoon.

So, if you’d like to be heard, you can post on this thread (I’ll leave it open), PM me on Capcom-Unity or hit up my twitter (@chrissvensson) as many folks already have. I need some additional ammo and these requests fit that need.

If things go well and demand is there, in a few weeks I may be able to present an option that puts the ball back in the fans’ court (in “tennis” terms, not “of law” terms). I want to stress the word “may” so as to not misrepresent the situation or promise anything. We are trying. Again, timing and pricing would be at a disadvantage to the digital option as an assumption you should make.

Source, Via

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