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Capcom reveals list of expected games at CAPTIVATE 09

Posted on April 10, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii


Last year, Capcom held CAPTIVATE 08 to showcase upcoming games. The company has confirmed that the event will take place again this year and has revealed which games will be present when it takes place on April 29. In addition to the games mentioned below, Capcom says that Monster Hunter Free Unite, Resident Evil for Wii, and Bionic Commando will be at the event. New game announcements will be made as well.

Dead Rising 2: Inafune-san himself will be living it up in Monte Carlo. There’s a new, amazing trailer that will blow your socks off (more motorcycle action!) and we’ll be seeing gameplay for the first time.

Lost Planet 2: Takeuchi-san gets no rest, as he’s now full-time on LP2. If you’ve seen the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, you’ll have read Fran’s breathless first-hand account of her co-op play session in Japan. This game is really impressing me, both from a technical perspective (the MT Framework 2.0 looks even better than RE5) and from a pure gameplay stance. Four man co-op to take down Akrids the size of battleships? Yes, please.

Dark Void: Morgano has a new playable demo filled with jetpack-y goodness and weak-crotched robots that is going to really rev you up. With SFIV and RE5 out the door and LP2 and DR2 so far away, I think it’s time for everyone to start paying more attention to this hot game.

Spyborgs: announced last year (too early), Spyborgs will be removing its cloaking field to show the direction that Capcom and the ex-Insomniac crew at Bionic Games have taken this title. All new art direction and gameplay mechanics have replaced some of the more “younger” feel of the game, and they’ve really fine-tuned the Wii controls for this new action directive.

Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles: Kawata-san also earned no vacation; after finishing the immensity of Resident Evil 5, he immediately had to jump back into the zombie-infested world of RE. We got a very early sneak preview of REDSC right before the launch of RE5, but Kawata-san has promised that he’s going to go more in depth with the new cover mechanic being introduced in this game, as well as showing off how the Wii remote is being used.

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