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Capcom talks mature titles on Wii

Posted on January 27, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“…Understand that publishers will point to retailers not asking for/supporting that content in significant volumes (unless there’s a big brand like RE attached). And retailers will in turn point to consumers not demanding/supporting that content (again, without a big brand or Nintendo attached) and then consumers come back to publishers screaming ‘why isn’t that content being created’. So there’s no easy answer here…Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop is one [New mature Capcom games other than RE titles]. I also hate the term ‘mature’ content, unless you’re just referring to an ESRB rating…I have no news to share at this time [dark surprises for Wii owners this year].” – Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

Unfortunately, there is a cycle when it comes to mature content on Wii. That’s what happened with Winter…No one wanted to take a chance and agree to publish a mature game because they felt that consumers wouldn’t want to buy it in the end.

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