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Capcom weighing different options to bring Tatsunoko vs. Capcom to North America

Posted on February 17, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Capcom has stated numerous times over the past few weeks that the company has been looking into ways to bring Tatsunoko vs. Capcom to North America. Licensing issues is just one roadblock preventing the game from coming to the states. Still, Capcom once again expressed interest in bringing the game to North America and are trying the best that they can.

“We are really trying to bring it, so there are some different options that are on the table as far as licensing goes and trying to figure out a way to bring the game over. We are fighting that battle very heavily.

We know Vs. are great games. Obviously Marvel vs. Capcom … those were great games. We would love to revisit something like that. Again, complicated lawyers, man; that is basically the bottom line. But yes, we love the Vs. games, and Tatsunoko is a testament to that.” – Senior Manager of Community at Capcom

Thanks to Josh for the news tip.

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