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Capcom will have Ace Attorney 5 news for the west soon

Posted on April 19, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Famitsu officially confirmed Ace Attorney 5’s release date for Japan this week. In the meantime, series fans in the west are now wondering when the game will arrive in their territory.

Capcom has been quiet when it comes to Ace Attorney 5 news for overseas territories, but it sounds like we’ll be hearing something fairly soon. Capcom USA’s senior VP Christian Svensson recently wrote on the company’s official forums that an update will be coming “in the not so distant future”.

“AA5 is coming along great. I saw a build last month when I was in Osaka. We’ll have some news for Western fans in the not so distant future (we know you want to know and we know you know the Japan dates). Hang in there…”


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