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CI Games will consider supporting Switch in the future

Posted on March 29, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

It won’t come as much of a surprise, but CI Games says there are no plans to have Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 on Switch. However, level designer Tomasz Pruski told that the company is “definitely looking at it for future products.”

Pruski noted:

“So we will not be releasing Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 on Nintendo Switch, but we are definitely looking at it for future products. We met with them [Nintendo] and talked about the possibilities. Sniper is not our only IP, so we’re looking to put different games on there. But nothing is official as of now.”

Pruski was asked if developers such as CI Games need to consider Switch’s install base before moving forward with the platform. Regarding that, he said:

“Definitely! So most of the games that are out on Switch or are coming are usually – well I cannot speak for all the developers, but they are not developed parallel to their Xbox One and PS4 counterparts. So you have to put in a lot of extra effort and it’s a lot harder than porting from PS4 to Xbox One. So definitely I think developers will be looking to develop specific games just for the Switch. But the install base is already pretty good I think, as a tonne of people bought it, including me, on day one.”

Pruski ended with the following:

“Before you commit to a game, be it an exclusive or a port, you definitely have to have a decent user base. But I don’t think Nintendo Switch is going to have a problem with a user base. The added bonus is, that because this is a young console, you don’t have a lot of competition. So if you develop a game for it now, most of the people who own the console are going to buy it. So there’s pros and cons, but I am hoping that a lot more third-party games will come out for the Switch than we saw with the Wii U. Especially as an owner of the Nintendo Switch.”


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