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Core Keeper reveals “Bags & Blasts” update

Posted on March 6, 2025 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Core Keeper Bags & Blasts update

Core Keeper just announced a new “Bags & Blast” update, which is slated for March 10, 2025. This will be the game’s first major post-1.0 patch.

The update introduces a new sub-biome, a brand new skill tree, and a fight against one of Core Keeper’s biggest bosses yet – Nimruza, Queen of the Burrowed Sands. That’s along with various quality-of-life improvements and more. 

Here’s some additional information as to what’s planned:

Available to all Core Keeper players on console and PC, the “Bags & Blasts” update introduces a brand-new area to explore, an explosive new skill tree to max out, game-changing quality-of-life improvements and one of Core Keeper‘s biggest boss fights yet: Nimruza, Queen of the Burrowed Sands.

Discover the sun-drenched sands of the Oasis, a brand-new sub-biome located within The Desert of Beginnings that’s home to the adorable Drohmble, a camel-like creature that wanders these bountiful plains. Be sure to ranch these adorable creatures to uncover a valuable (but stinky) resource useful for crafting new mid-late game weaponry.

Prepare for a monumental fight against Nimruza, Queen of the Burrowed Sands, a gigantic super cicada who makes for a royal challenge in one of Core Keeper‘s biggest boss fights yet. Discover the new Explosives skill tree, complete with 8 new skills, plus the addition of brand-new bomb types, including the powerful vacuum-creating Void Bomb and the multi-blast Blunder Bomb, and the explosive new grenades weapon type.

Highly-requested by the Core Keeper community, the introduction of Pouches also provides efficient new ways to organise items without taking up an explorer’s valuable inventory space. These handy new items allow players to carry resources such as ore, seeds, fish, and valuables in separate, dedicated spaces, making inventory management easier while on long expeditions away from your base.

Key Features

  • Oasis Sub-Biome – Discover the scorching sands of the Oasis, a brand-new sub-biome located within the Desert of Beginnings, complete with new resources, vegetation and the camel-like Drohmble.
  • Explosives Skill Tree and Grenade Weapon Type – With eight new skills to master, the new Explosives skill tree provides a brand-new way to play Core Keeper via the new grenades weapon type.
  • New Bomb Types – Blast through cavern walls or defeat Core Keeper‘s toughest enemies with brand-new bomb types to discover, including the powerful vacuum-creating Void Bomb and the multi-blast Blunder Bomb.
  • Inventory Overhaul – With the introduction of pouches, these handy new accessories provide efficient new ways to manage your inventory, with separate dedicated places to store resources and free up valuable inventory space. The new hotbar swapping feature also allows players to choose which inventory row appears in their hotbar, allowing quicker access to essential equipment, while quick stacking lets players easily sort items into nearby chests.
  • Supersized Boss Fight – Take on Nimruza, Queen of the Burrowed Sands, in this colossal fight against a supersized insect. Tackle Nimruza alone or buddy up with friends online in one of Core Keeper‘s biggest boss fights yet.

A trailer for the Core Keeper “Bags & Blasts” update can be bound below.

Update Trailer

Core Keeper is currently available on Nintendo Switch. Find more coverage of the game itself here.

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