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Darksiders II is running on Wii U, could have been at E3, but Nintendo didn’t want full games at booth

Posted on June 9, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

This information comes from THQ core games boss Danny Bilson…

“We have Darksiders II completely running on the Wii U right now. It took about five weeks. Coming into the show we were ready to go. We could have demonstrated it on the hardware but they [Nintendo] decided not to have full games shown in the booth. But if you were to go into Vigil in Austin, Texas right now, Darksiders II is fully running on the new hardware. The Darksiders team was one of the first teams to get dev kits. We’ve had dedicated engineers on it working seven day weeks leading up to the show. I’ve got all the emails. We now have it running with the controller. So we could have shown it. Some of it [specs] is still in flux. There are still some improvements to be made to some parts of it.”

Bilson also said that Darksiders II will “absolutely” look as good as on PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. It’s just a shame that we couldn’t see it on the Wii U hardware. Nintendo’s letting Ubisoft show Ghost Recon, so they should have let THQ show Darksiders II!


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