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Dead or Alive: Dimensions won’t launch in Sweden, Norway, Denmark due to pornography laws

Posted on May 20, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Believe it or not, one simple forum message has led to the cancellation of Dead or Alive: Dimensions in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The poster was not interested in preventing the game from releasing in these territories, but was instead looking to point out the need to change pornography laws.

So what’s all of the hullabaloo about? Apparently the game can be classified as a violation of Swedish law because three of the female characters are less than 18 years-old and are in a pornographic situation. The characters – Kasumi, Koroke and Ayane – can be photographed in 3D, at any angle through Figure Mode.

Distributor Bergsala and Nintendo of Europe provided the following statement:

“Nintendo of Europe have decided not to release the game in Sweden, for various reasons. However, they do not want to list any details regarding their decision. We are sorry for how this impacts the Swedish fans of Dead or Alive. Thankfully, it’s extremely unusual that these things happen.”

All of this does sound rather silly, and it’s a shame that gamers in these territories won’t be able to experience what is one of the few high-quality releases for the 3DS so far.


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