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Dead Space Extraction sales may influence EA’s decision to produce more mature Wii games

Posted on September 3, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“One of the explanations we have is that there’s a lot of double ownership. So people having a Wii and a 360 and/or PS3. They’re really playing different types of games on those two machines, and historically up to know we assume those people will have played the more mature content on the more high-tech machine. Dead Space: Extraction is going to be a very nice test of that hypothesis, because we’re really building a game where the Wii version is very different to the Dead Space game on 360 and PS3, and we’ll actually see whether we can reach more people with a) a great game and b) interesting content. If that’s not going to work, then obviously the whole proposal from our point of view at least of more mature games on the Wii just does not work.” – Dr Jens Uwe Intat, European VP at Electronic Arts

Whether or not you’re interested in horror titles, I think most of us can agree that Dead Space Extraction is a quality game. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean EA will see positive sales. We’ll have to see how the game performs, but I do hope it sells more than MadWorld.


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