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Deadly Creatures dev: Back to mini-games if game doesn’t sell

Posted on January 7, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

A Deadly Creatures staff member has given hardcore gamers an extra incentive to pick up the game when it releases. Unfortunately, if the game doesn’t sell well, then it’s back to creating mini-games. Said Jordan Itkowitz, lead developer of Deadly Creatures:

“It was pretty easy, actually [convincing Ubisoft of Deadly Creatures idea], because of the fact that we pitched it on the Wii — that was the magic word. [THQ] was really interested in doing something for the Wii because they didn’t have a whole lot on the roster for that. They were really supportive of the concept the whole time. I mean, it is kind of an experiment though, because everybody — from fans to the press to gamers — have been saying they want more core stuff on the Wii, and they’re tired of the mini-game compilations. So the response to [the game] so far has been really good. I hope people vote with their dollars in February so we can make some more. Otherwise, it’s back to mini-games.”

I’m pretty much stating the obvious here, but purchasing Deadly Creatures is pretty important. I’m not saying that you should buy it granted the reviews and impressions are less than positive, though over the past few months, the game has been shaping up well.

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