Deal of the week: Every North American SNES game for $25,000

If you happen to REALLY like the Super Nintendo and you happen to be REALLY wealthy, you might be interested in purchasing every single game that every came out on the system– including rarities like Demon’s Crest— for $24,999. That’s 721 games.
Joystiq did the math and it comes out to about $35 per game– which could be a lot or could be not a lot, depending on which game you apply it to. Overall it’s not a great deal, but it’s an easy one if you need every SNES game right this second and can’t afford to buy them one at a time for some reason.
The seller’s online name is “Byuu” and he says if he doesn’t get over 20K for them he won’t make a profit, and thus won’t bother selling! Why does he have all of them? Well, he developed a popular SNES emulator and he wanted to make sure every game ran flawlessly on it, so he did the logical thing and purchased all of them! Now he wants to sell them off in order to buy the complete Japanese and European collections, perfect emulators for those, and sell THEM off as well!
All of the games come with their boxes, 605 of them with manuals, and come have duplicate games to sweeten the deal. Sort of.