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Dice Legacy announces Memories Update

Posted on October 25, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Dice Legacy memories

Ravenscourt and DESTINYbit are far from finished with Dice Legacy, as a new Memories Update was recently announced.

The Memories update for Dice Legacy includes lots of content as well as features and fixes requested by the community. It includes a full active pause, accessibility options, and Memories – a completely new modifier system that unlocks after finishing the game that introduces a lot of variety and replayability.

Here’s some additional information:

The update will feature a brand new system called Memories

Memories are a new system that is introduced into the game and that influences everything else. In essence, Memories are modifiers that can appear and be collected inside Locations or dropped by Threats.

Memories are composed of a randomly chosen positive and negative effect. In other words, each Memory is both positive and negative at the same time. Whenever a Memory is retrieved, the player can choose from 3 randomly generated Memories. Up to 3 Memories can be possessed by the player at the same time. Memories can be extracted after a game and be carried into future games.

The driving force behind Memories is to increase the variety and replayability of the game. As such, we tried to sprinkle in some wilder effects that will spawn more interesting situations.

Outside of the Memories system, Dice Legacy will be implementing improvements and changes. One of the biggest elements on the way is the ability to manipulate dice while the game is paused. Difficulties and pause are being de-coupled so that any difficulty to be played with Active Pause. Pause options will be No Pause, Classic (as it is currently) and Tabletop (full active pause).

Also planned are accessibility options, improvements to the interface and the balancing, and more. New scenarios, system buildings, and Dice Classes will follow in the future.

Source 1: Koch Media PR, Source 2

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