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DICE producer says Wii hasn’t received a successful shooter

Posted on February 10, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“I can say we currently don’t have any plans for the Wii. The Wii is a very difficult platform, not just because of the performance but mainly because of the controls. There haven’t been any successful shooters so far, as I see it, on Wii. DICE as a studio is quite autonomous. We focus on what we think is best for the studio. If that involves Nintendo or not, well we’ll see about that.” – DICE producer Patrick Liu

I wouldn’t exactly say there haven’t been any successful shooters on Wii. Some might count Metroid Prime 3 as a shooter (or at least somewhat), and Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 had spot-on controls. It’s true that there haven’t been a plethora of titles to choose from, but there have been some successful shooter titles/shooting elements from games.


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