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Direct quotes from Kojima about Metal Gear 3DS

Posted on July 7, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

We’ve pretty much heard this news already, but just in case you want to read a few more direct quotes from Hideo Kojima regarding Metal Gear Solid 3DS, you can check out what he had to say below.

“It was a top-secret project — I had a non-disclosure agreement signed with Nintendo, so I couldn’t even tell you [Hamamura] about it. The demo was produced by the Peace Walker team, but outside of the group that developed it, nobody at Kojima Productions even knew about it. I got that group together and said ‘Okay, we have to build this thing for E3’ — they work on a different floor from the rest of the studio, so most people thought they were on vacation after shipping off Peace Walker, I suppose.”

“The thing is that it’s hard to get a lot of feedback from players, because only so many of them could physically play the title at the event. I was hoping to shape our future direction for the game based on more of their opinions. Also, the maps and character models were all remade with a higher polygon count than before. The models are about the same quality as what we made for the PlayStation 3, but you really can’t tell within the game. We could’ve made it look better if we had a little more time.”

“I did handle direction work on the E3 demo, but where I go from here hasn’t been decided yet. For now, what we wanted to do was advertise the fact that we are producing a 3DS game in the MGS franchise. Largely it was just a demonstration of what we’re capable of with the 3DS. For a full-size game, just having things pop out at the player all the time will get old fast, so I think the emphasis will be on visual depth instead. We haven’t settled on the details yet, but I’d like to get CO-OPS and some of the other things we did in Peace Walker into this game as well. We can’t change MGS3’s story, but we are thinking about CO-OPS and other things we can use the 3D technology for.”

“Nothing’s been decided at all yet. I don’t think we’ll be able to make it a launch title, but if we don’t at least stick close to launch, we’ll lose a lot of product value. …I think we need to get it out by then (year within launch). That’s why I want to get more people to try it out. Showing a trailer really just isn’t enough — it’d be nice if Nintendo organizes some kind of public demo event.”

Kojima also discussed a secret project he’s working on, “taboo,” but since there are currently no indications that it will be for a Nintendo platform, we won’t be covering that unless some sort of announcement in the future proves otherwise!

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


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