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Dizzy Returns not heading to Wii U or other platforms following failed Kickstarter

Posted on December 14, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

The Oliver Twins are best known for their work on the Dizzy series. There had been hopes of a revival through a Kickstarter campaign, but the results are falling short of the admittedly high goal.

A Kickstarter was launched on November 23 for “Dizzy Returns”, a title that would deliver “New puzzles, new characters, new locations, and new ways of playing”. The best part about this for Nintendo fans? The Twins did say at one point that a Wii U version would have likely been made.

But with just six days to go and only £25,220 raised out of the £350,000 goal, the Kickstarter will not – assuming someone doesn’t make an incredibly generous donation – pan out successfully.

The Twins are accepting defeat for now, but hinted that they “may revisit the possibility of another Dizzy game at a later date”. If this were to happen, “the vision of that game would need to be considerably different.”

“As of today the total amount pledged stands at just over £23,000 of our £350,000 goal – in order to meet that we’d need over £40,000 pledged every day, and realistically that’s not going to happen. There’s certainly no shame in admitting that though, and we believe that rather than posting updates under the pretence that we might hit our target, it’s much better to be honest and upfront with you, our backers. …We may revisit the possibility of another Dizzy game at a later date, but the vision of that game would need to be considerably different.”

Source, Via

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