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Don’t Starve update out now (version 1.0.8), patch notes

Posted on April 15, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Don't Starve update 1.0.8

Don’t Starve received a pretty significant version 1.0.8 update this week.

New content is included such as the Seed of Ruin item, Nightmarish Bird Whistle craftable, and Meated Nettles Crock Pot recipe. A huge amount of changes and fixes are available as well.

You can find the full patch notes below. Note that (ALL) applies to Don’t Starve and all DLC, (RoG) is Reign of Giants, (SW) is for Shipwrecked, and (HAM) is for Hamlet.

Don’t Starve update version 1.0.8 patch notes


  • New item: the Seed of Ruin. It can be obtained by defeating the Ancient Guardian (ALL).
  • Existing worlds where the Ancient Guardian is already dead will have a Seed of Ruin appearing somewhere in the ruins.
  • The Water Beefalo will now have adorable offspring! (SW).
  • New craftable: the Nightmarish Bird Whistle (HAM).
  • New Crock Pot recipe: the Meated Nettles, an antihistamine food made with meat! (HAM).
  • Pherostone, Farm House, Petrifying Bones, Water Reeds and Palace’s Watch Tower now have new map icons (HAM).


  • Non-gameplay Changes (ALL)
    • The mouse wheel can now be used to browse the mods in the mods screen.
    • Chest and Bundle Wrap UI have better quality now.
    • A new integrated backpack layout can now be enabled in settings.
    • Scrolling through the world customization screen and mod configuration screen now no longer shows half of the items on the previous page.
    • The maximum number of save slots has been increased to 10.
    • A “don’t show this again” check box has been added to the “mods enabled” warning screen. Check it if you don’t want the warning to appear anymore!
    • Background images will now be shown on the loading screen.
  • Gameplay Changes
    • World
      • Setting resources to “More” or “Lots” in the world customization no longer spawn them outside the biome they should spawn (ALL).
      • Hound and Crocodog waves will occur less frequently as the days go by (ALL).
      • The caves world generation has been changed to have fewer bridges that lead nowhere (ALL).
      • World hopping will not update mob attack wave timers with the time spent outside the world anymore (RoG, SW, HAM).
        • That is, traveling between worlds won’t force a wave of hounds/crocodogs/etc to spawn if you’re outside the world for a while.
      • World jumping will no longer regenerate sub-worlds of other maps (SW, HAM).
        • E.g.: Perform a world jump (using the Teleportato) on Shipwrecked will not regenerate the caves and ruins, only the volcano.
      • Mushrooms can be found in Cave Clefts (HAM).
  • Utility / Interface
    • Items can be stacked on the active item (ALL).
    • Some actions can now be repeated by holding down the mouse buttons (ALL).
    • Items within a container (chests, etc) can now be used when crafting (ALL).
    • Now It’s possible to drop items directly from the inventory/container using the “Force Container (mod)” key, left shift by default, and the right click (ALL).
    • The dusk ambient light is brighter now (ALL).
    • All trees now have minimap icons for their burned and stump versions (ALL).
    • Some minor changes to the mods screen text positions/colors (ALL).
    • Many popups now support the menu cancel key to close them (“ESC” by default) (ALL).
    • The map border ornament will now match the world you are on (SW, HAM).
    • Items can now be retrieved from water at greater distances with the action key (SW, HAM).
    • The Root Trunk UI is now in the screen’s center, like other chests (HAM).
    • Fighting during Aporkalypse will now play an Aporkalypse song, instead of a generic one (HAM).
  • Tweaks
    • Character-exclusive items crafted by Wigfrid, Wickerbottom and Woodlegs will no longer disappear when switching characters (ALL).
    • Added inspection lines for bee box stages (ALL).
    • Decreases the volume of the WX-78’s overcharge sound (ALL).
    • Worm Holes, Catcoons, Electric Isosceles, End Well, Pew-matic Horn and Navigadget now accept any item (ALL).
    • Many structure’s breaking sounds have been adjusted to match their materials (ALL).
    • Cactus Spike, Doydoy Feather, Blueprints, Lotus Plant and Stinger are now burnable (ALL).
    • Caged birds now accept raw monster meat and refuse cooked eggs (ALL).
    • Turfs can be stacked up to 20 now (ALL).
    • Increased the number of uses for the Tent and Siesta Lean-to to better reflect their crafting cost (ALL).
    • The damage absorbed by armors is no longer limited to its current durability. 1% and 100% durability will absorb the same damage points (ALL).
    • Resurrecting using a Life Giving Amulet no longer spawns a skeleton (ALL).
    • Bundles can no longer be placed in the Teleportato container (ALL).
    • The Fryfocals fire rate has been lowered a bit, based on other weapons (ALL).
    • Lazy Explorer can no longer be spammed and has its own effects (ALL).
    • Splumonkey Pods will release all Splumonkeys when set on fire (ALL).
    • Companions (Chester, Packim Baggins, etc) will no longer be targeted by the force attack (ALL).
    • Houndius Shootius will no longer target others Houndius Shootius (ALL).
    • Traps will now stay where they are instead of being picked up when checked (ALL).
    • Players can now collect, pick up items, craft and load weapons while mounted on beefalos (ALL).
    • Lichen, Seaweed, Tubers and Blooming Tubers can be used to feed beefalos now (ALL).
    • Items can now be lit in inventory when riding a beefalo (ALL).
    • The Ancient Guardian’s Pillars will be closer to the center of the arena now (ALL).
    • Trees can be chopped from a greater distance now, like in other DLCs (base/RoG).
    • Dragoon Egg now has a chance to drop obsidian (SW).
    • Mussel Beds now stack up to 10 (SW).
    • Decreased the collision radius of planted Mussel Sticks (SW).
    • Chest of the Depths, Steamer Trunk and Octopus Chest are no longer burnable (SW).
    • Rawling is no longer burnable and is now considered an unrecoverable item (SW).
    • The Slot Machine now only drains sanity on use (SW).
    • The Sea Worther now floats (SW, HAM).
    • Sea Chest has a new placement animation (SW, HAM).
    • Strong winds will no longer pick up flowers (SW, HAM).
    • Bundle Wraps can now be used while sailing (SW, HAM).
    • Deployables can now be placed from a tiny distance (SW, HAM).
    • Some staffs can now cast on land while the player is sailing (SW, HAM).
    • Eating Dried Jellyfish now restores sanity and more hunger (SW, HAM).
    • Dried Seaweed now restores sanity and dries faster (SW, HAM).
    • The effects given by consuming the Tropical Bouillabaisse now last longer (SW, HAM).
    • Periodic attacks on Fish Farms have been changed to an attack chance when fishes are collected (SW, HAM).
    • Added distance to the placement of wood fences and gates, like walls (SW, HAM).
    • The Brain of Thought will not be consumed if the player already knows the crafting recipe (SW, HAM).
    • Neon Quattro and Tropical Bouillabaisse will lower the player’s temperature by more points than before (SW, HAM).
    • When a Worker Pigman dies before fixing the broken structure it was supposed to, a new Worker will spawn after a while and not instantly, as it was (HAM).
    • Topiaries and Hedges are now burnable and have a leafs effect when hammered (HAM).
    • Hippopotamoose Antlers can now be stacked (HAM).
    • Waves now collide with Lily Pads (HAM).
    • Claw Palm Sapling is now an item instead of a structure (HAM).
    • Vortex Cloak no longer prevents stunlocking when at 0% durability (HAM).
    • Mant Mask durability is now consumed by wearing it, like the Mant Suit (HAM).
    • Lamp Post will not turn off when placed in caves (HAM).
    • The Glommer’s Flower can no longer be stored in the Root Trunk (HAM).
    • Sprinkler Pipes don’t block placement anymore (HAM).
    • Unrecoverable items can no longer be stored in the Root Trunk (HAM).
    • Fountain of Youth’s water generation time is now affected by long time passes (sleeping, coming back from another world) (HAM).
    • Leaving and entering the world no longer cancels Vampire Bats’ attacks (HAM).
    • Beefalos gain more health by eating foods that restore health (HAM).
    • Cork Bowl Canoe now unequips its items when picked up (HAM).
    • Hamlet’s Parrot now drops Azure Feather, to better match its color (HAM).
    • The Large Iron Hulk can no longer be teleported to interiors (HAM).
    • The action key now prioritizes entering doors if the player is holding an item or is very close to the door (HAM).
    • Cut Grass is now green in Hamlet (HAM).
    • My City Hall will no longer be locked during the night (HAM).
  • New Mechanics
    • The Lazy Forager can now be refilled with Nightmare Fuel (ALL).
    • Tree saplings and crops can now be dug up with a shovel (ALL).
    • An animation used when setting things on fire with the torch and lighter has been added (ALL).
    • Non-Endothermic Campfires and Fire Pits will now drop a charcoal when the fire goes out, if it was fueled to the max stage (ALL).
    • Most burnt trees now have a chance to occasionally drop a charcoal, and all burnt trees now have a chance to drop an extra charcoal when chopped down (ALL).
    • Krissures can now be removed using coconades explosion (SW).
    • Yaarctopus accepts a new recipe and has new common loot (SW).
    • The Volcanic and Ancient crafting tabs will be both available when using the Brain of Thought hat on non-Hamlet compatible saves (SW).
    • The Tar Extractor will pile up the produced tars if the player is away (SW).
    • Map-exclusive recipes are now learned when crafted and thus available for crafting on other maps (SW, HAM).
    • The Sea Yard can now repair the boat without the player being in it (SW, HAM).
    • The Tar Lamp can now be refilled with tar (SW, HAM).
    • The action key can now be used to collect fish from Fish Farms (SW, HAM).
    • The Living Artifact is now able to break Obsidian Rocks and Dragoon’s Dens with its special attack (HAM).
    • Cloth’s Blueprint and Bamboo have been added to Smashing Pot loot (HAM).
    • Particulate Purifier now prevents the Hay Fever (HAM).
    • Stone Slabs will regenerate their loot over time (HAM).
    • Older worlds will have their Stone Slabs restocked.
    • Shears can now be used to efficiently hack bamboo and vines (HAM).
    • Trawl Net will collect a different set of items when used in Lily Ponds (HAM).
    • Items made from iron can now be smelted in the Smelter (HAM).
    • Dark Tatters can now be used to efficiently refuel the Vortex Cloak (HAM).
    • Oincs now drop in their higher value versions, when possible (HAM).
    • Wilba will now drown when transforming into Werewilba while on a boat (HAM).
    • The gas mask now applies a special voice effect (HAM).
    • The action key can now be used to collect alloy from smelters (HAM).
    • Gnat Mounds now have a chance to drop Nitre (HAM).
    • Ball Pein Hammer can now remove gems from Ancient Statues (HAM).
  • New Crock Pot Ingredients
    • Batilisk Wing, Raw Birchnut, Leafy Meat and Rainbow Jellyfish.
  • The following items have had their stats changed:
    • Pick/Axe: has more uses, does more damage (ALL).
    • Thulecite Club: has more uses (ALL). 
    • Star Caller’s Staff: the Dwarf Star stays longer (ALL).
    • Insulated Pack and Sea Sack: has more slots, are no longer burnable (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Tar Suit: lasts longer, can be repaired with tar (SW).
    • Windbreaker: increased water resistance (SW).
    • Quackering Ram: more uses, less damage, added cooldown (SW, HAM).
    • Snakeskin Jacket: increased water resistance (SW, HAM).
    • Fancy Helmet and Tin Suit: increased defense, decreased movement penalty (HAM).
    • Weevole Mantle: increased defense, added water resistance (HAM).
    • Vortex Clock: has more slots, less sanity drain, cheaper repair (HAM).
    • Bramble Husk: increased defense, increased durability (HAM).
    • Thunderhat: lightning strikes consume less durability (HAM).
  • Crafting Recipes Changes
    • Changed the position of the Bundle Wrap crafting recipe to be near the top (ALL).
    • Insulated Pack, Bat Bat, Marble Suit, Potted Ferns, Thunderhat and Cat Cap cost less resources now (ALL).
    • Rabbit earmuffs no longer need a Science Machine to prototype (ALL).
    • Tar Extractor and Sea Yard now require the Alchemy Engine to prototype (SW).
    • Boat Torch can be crafted in Hamlet (HAM).
    • The pig shop Swinesbury Mineral Exchange now has a more expensive crafting recipe (HAM).
  • These items/structures now drop items when hammered/deconstructed
    • Spiderhat, Palace’s Watch Tower, Swinesbury Academy, Farm House, Quarry Lodgings, Mandrake Hill and Intricate Topiary.
  • Creatures Changes
    • The Ancient Guardian fight has been redesigned (ALL).
    • Batilisks now drop Batilisk Wings more frequently (ALL).
    • Bees and Killer Bees now need to be closer to their targets to hit them (ALL).
    • Tallbirds without a nest will now make a new nest, but only on rocky, dirt or magma turf (ALL).
    • Changed the time for Tallbirds to lay a new egg to be more inline with other food sources (ALL).
    • Mobs that accept food will no longer accept food they cannot eat (ALL).
    • Shadow Splumonkeys will no longer throw manure (ALL).
    • Homeless frogs will sleep at night now (ALL).
    • Shadow Hands (the campfire stealing hands) no longer trigger spider creep (ALL).
    • Krampus will no longer steal backpacks and will not try to follow the player in water (ALL).
    • Shadow Creatures will no longer be affected and activate spider webs (ALL).
    • Mounted Beefalos will no longer gain speed when on roads (ALL).
    • Deerclops’s attack area more accurately reflects the FX (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Dragoons now drop Dragoon Hearts more frequently (SW).
    • Dragoons now drop more Monster Meat (SW).
    • The Fire Packim Baggims will no longer attack monster characters, like Webber (SW).
    • Packim Baggims will not trigger spider webs and will not be slowed by them (SW).
    • Fire Packim Baggims now no longer attacks monster mobs, and instead helps the player by attacking their target (SW).
    • Snakes and Flup can now be trapped (SW, HAM).
    • Bees and mosquitos can now chase their target across water. Also, flying insects can be dropped over water without sinking (SW, HAM).
    • Adult and teen Doydoys will now float when dropped over water (SW, HAM).
    • Wind will no longer affect the speed of Shadow Creatures, Ghosts and the BFB (SW, HAM).
    • Nightmare creatures, Ghosts and companions no longer trigger traps in Hamlet ruins (HAM).
    • Rabid Beetles, Vampire Bats and Royal Guards are now susceptible to the Deep Rainforest poisonous gas (HAM).
    • City pigmans now walk home during the dusk, instead of running (HAM).
    • The Worker pigman will no longer spawn to repair player built structures (HAM).
    • Bees and butterflies are now affected by the Bug B’Gone’s poison cloud (HAM).
    • Piko will now drop the item it has picked up, when caught in a trap (HAM).
    • Pigman Mayor now has his own unique name (HAM).
    • Peagawk will now run away from Poison Dartfrogs (HAM).
  • Now Floats (SW, HAM)
    • Wood Fence, Wood Gate, Mini Sign and Feather Pencil.
    • Ice, crops seeds, Jungle Tree Seed, Mant Suit and Tin Suit.
    • Tar Lamp and Regal Scepter.
  • Hamlet’s Economy Changes (HAM)
    • Platapine Quills are now tradable with the Collector Pigman.
    • Hippopotamoose Antlers are now tradable with the Hunter Pigman.
    • The Trawl Net Blueprint can now be purchased in the Tinkerer’s Tower.
    • Sewing Kits can now be purchased in the Sow’s Ear Hat Shop.
    • Ice staff, Red staff, Chill amulet, Glow Berry and Down Feather had their price reduced in Hamlet shops. Gears and Halberd had their price increased.
    • The worker Pigman now accepts more than one item per day.
  • Hamlet’s Interior Changes (HAM)
    • Resurrectors inside interiors will now remove the maximum health penalty after the interior is destroyed.
    • Destroying a structure with an interior (Slanty Shanty, Pig Shops) now destroys all rooms and structures, dropping the resulting loot and the items that were inside them.
    • Destroying a room now only destroys extra rooms not connected to the main entrance, and will also destroy structures and drop the resulting loot and the items that were inside the extra rooms.
    • These changes will help the performance of long running worlds, but will not affect existing worlds.
    • This will also avoid losing non-recoverable items, but be aware that not all things will be retrieved (like some plantable structures), so prefer to remove everything manually.

Bug Fixes

  • Hamlet Interiors Fixes (HAM)
    • Fixed hurricane storms resetting after entering and exiting an interior.
    • Resurrect between interiors and exteriors now works correctly. For example: dying in Hamlet and resurrecting inside an interior in Shipwrecked.
    • Fixed Portable Crock Pot and Smelter’s light always on when in an interior.
    • Fixed a crash related to burnt Crock Pots in interiors.
    • Fixed a crash related to building interior doors with the action key (space bar by default).
    • All interior crafts can now be correctly positioned with the action key.
    • Hedges, fences and sandbags will no longer be visually angled wrongly when leaving an interior.
    • It is no longer possible to place deployables inside interior walls.
    • Prevents loot from getting stuck inside interior walls.
    • Flowers can no longer be planted in water and interiors.
    • Spawners placed inside interiors will spawn their mobs correctly if the player is outside.
    • Fixed Royal Guards (called by the Shopkeeper or Wilba) not appearing if the player exits the interior quickly.
    • The Lazy Explorer can no longer be used to teleport outside of interior walls.
    • Fixed Pog getting his feral appearance after leaving interiors.
    • Fixed Poison FX disappearing on some mobs after exiting interiors.
    • Fixed a crash with Wood Gates built in interiors.
    • Fixed being able to get stuck inside an interior by using a Deconstruction Staff on the door or breaking it by placing something too close to it.
    • Fixed structures not saving their interior if they are burning when saved.
    • Fixed caves/ruins earthquake debris falling inside interiors.
    • Fixed Shipwecked’s world edge fog disappearing when the player entered an interior.
    • Fixed Mant warriors and Magiluminescence emitting light when in interiors when they shouldn’t.
    • Fixed Telelocator Focus being able to be placed too close to interior walls.
    • Fixed aquatic followers following the player into interiors.
    • Fixed Sandbags and walls blocking passage when broken and in interiors.
    • Fixed the player walking awkwardly when trying to enter a door in interiors.
    • Fixed hurricane storms resetting after entering and exiting an interior.
  • Iron Hulk Pieces Fixes (HAM)
    • They will no longer attempt to use the jump attack if their target is in water.
    • Fixed the light staying on sometimes when they deactivate.
    • They will now look in the direction they will fire their laser attack.
    • Fixed being able to teleport them to interiors.
  • Destroyed City Structures Fixes (HAM)
    • Will have their correct inspection lines.
    • They will not get an invalid name after reloading the world (or just exist in the case of Topiaries) and didn’t become invisible after the second world reload.
  • Tamed Beefalo Fixes
    • Fixed many actions that made the character invisible and frozen (ALL).
    • Weather pain and Lazy Explorer cast animations will no longer use beefalo’s attack animation (ALL).
    • Prevents the player from remounting right after being thrown away (ALL).
    • The player will perform the sneeze, poison and cold animations properly (ALL).
    • The height of the player’s quotes is adjusted with its height (ALL).
    • Meele attacks no longer use the equipped weapon (durability and damage) (ALL).
    • Fixed armor effects activating even if the attack hits a mounted beefalo (ALL).
    • Fixed being able to use the bug net while riding them (ALL).
    • Fixed mounted beefalo being affected by character’s damage modifiers (ALL).
    • Fixed not being able to feed beefalos with twigs (Base). 
    • Fixed a crash with Wilba transforming into Werewilba when mounted on a beefalo (HAM).
  • Mini Sign Fixes
    • The mouse now tries to ignore mini signs. Solving the issue with mini signs and chests in the same place (ALL).
    • Can now be only drawn with nearby items, as intended (ALL).
    • Can no longer be placed on water (SW, HAM).
    • Will no longer draw the utility “shelf_slot” entity (HAM).
  • Lazy Forager Fixes
    • Has its own visual effects (ALL).
    • Items taken from a stack will visually come from the stack and not from a random position on screen (ALL).
    • Can no longer pick up sunken relics and stuck them in the player’s inventory (HAM).
  • Bundle Wrap Fixes
    • Improved animation timing, added sounds and effects (ALL).
    • Does not allow irreplaceable items to be packaged (ALL).
    • Fixed the position in which the items come/go from the container on the screen (ALL).
    • Items will no longer fly away from the bundle when you open it (ALL).
    • It now has its own wrapping animation (ALL).
    • Can now be unwrapped when on ground (SW, HAM).
    • Floating bundles and wax paper on non-Hamlet saves will no longer be invisible (SW).
  • Fryfocals Fixes
    • The projectile will come out of the glasses when using it mounted on a beefalo (ALL).
    • Shock damage caused by using it while wet will no longer be doubled (ALL).
    • Will use the correct attack animation while sailing (SW, HAM).
  • Wood Fences/Gates Fixes
    • Improved positioning preview accuracy (ALL).
    • Added the missing texts for opening, closing and placing (ALL).
    • Will not have their drops doubled after being broken by charged obsidian tools (SW).
    • Can no longer be placed in water in non-Hamlet worlds (SW).
  • Telebrella Fixes
    • On the last use, it will only disappear after the teleportation animation ends (ALL).
    • Fixed player bloom and shadow in teleport animation (ALL).
    • The boat will not visually disappear on teleport anymore while on a boat (SW, HAM).
  • Trees Fixes
    • Tree seeds, after being set on fire and extinguished will no longer be automatically planted (ALL).
    • Fixed Birchnut Trees dropping an extra acorn on the wrong side (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Birchnut and tea tree stumps will no longer become non-flammable when the player moves away from them (RoG, HAM).
    • Vipers will drop from Cocooned trees, instead of normal snakes, when the tree is set on fire (HAM).
    • When cutting down or burning down Piko’s tree, he will now try to find another home (HAM).
    • Fixed the medium Rainforest Tree not showing a piece of the trunk when chopped (HAM).
  • Adventure Mode Fixes
    • Fixed waves appearing in the “Epilogue: Checkmate” chapter, instead of void (ALL).
    • Fixed Palm Trees spawning in the “King of Winter” chapter (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed excessive amounts of Clockworks in the “Darkness” chapter (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed the world generation animation not being the forest (SW, HAM).
  • Tuber Tree fixes (HAM)
    • The bloom will remain after save-load if any tubes have already been collected.
    • The amount of tubes will be visually applied after the save-load.
    • Fixed some crashes with stumps and burnt trees trying to bloom.
    • Can now be collected after save-load if any tubes have already been collected.
    • Now swings normally after being hit.
    • Fixed the bloom not ending at the end of the lush season in some cases.
  • Localization and Typo Fixes
    • Minor corrections to the Chinese translation (ALL).
    • Fixed Maxwell’s name, when sitting on the Throne, not using translations (ALL).
    • Fixed a bunch of typos in quotes and recipe descriptions (ALL).
    • Fixed the cave Rope using quotes for the closed BFB cave Rope (ALL).
    • Fixed some missing world customization texts (ALL).
    • Fish shoals now use their own inspection lines (SW).
    • Fixed some missing inspection lines in SW compatible worlds (SW).
    • Fixed Elephant cactus planting verb appearing as “ACTION” (SW).
    • Portable Crock Pot now uses the “Place” deploy verb, instead of “Plant” (SW, HAM).
    • Each Lawn Decoration now uses its own name (HAM).
    • Fixed Wilba not using female pronouns in dialogs (HAM).
    • Fixed Wormwood missing quote for Swinesbury Academy (HAM).
    • Fixed the Living Artifact’s “Charge” action text not being translated (HAM).
    • Fixed Webber’s inspection lines for Vortex Cloak and Dark Tatters inverted. (HAM).
    • Fixed a wrong compatibility text on the mods screen (HAM).
  • Art Related Fixes
    • Fixed Spear, Insulated Pack and Boulder ground alignment (ALL).
    • Wes animations will not have a strange symbol in place of the hand (Base,  RoG).
    • Foliage is no longer invisible (Base,  RoG).
    • Fixed Krissure’s bloom only occurring on the first eruption (SW).
    • Fixed a misplaced bubble in some Quacken animations (SW).
    • Fixed Wilbur, while running, showing the hand equipment in his tail when he shouldn’t (SW).
    • The seaweed plant will no longer have a frozen animation after being planted (SW).
    • Tropical Fan will no longer have the Luxury Fan texture while used on boats (SW, HAM).
    • Decreases the occurrence of a rare bug that causes plants and trees to remain in a frozen wind blow animation. (SW, HAM).
    • Saplings now sways normally after being blown by the wind, rather than standing still (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Ice Maker 3000 going partially invisible when hammered. (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed a non-looping Tar Extractor animation (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Ice having hail appearance (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Wilbur losing his hands when running up and wearing a hat (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Banana not being yellow in Shipwrecked (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Willow’s missing dark eye circle when sailing (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Wimpy Wolfgang face position when sailing (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed floating Abigail’s Flower animation being frozen (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Werebeaver drowning animation not playing correctly (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed some mobs having larger poison FX than they should. (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed an inconsistent shadow in Grabbing Vine idle (HAM).
    • Fixed Navigadget showing the last equipment in the unequipping animation (HAM).
    • Fixed some frozen Lotus Plant animations (HAM).
    • Fixed third arm in Werewilba form after some animations (HAM).
    • Fixed mouse over selection for Lawn Decorations and Topiaries (HAM).
    • Fixed snow position for Lawn Decorations and Topiaries (HAM).
    • Hides some Slanty Shanty’s build preview details (snow and boards) (HAM).
    • Added missing animation on open Cork Chest (HAM).
    • Fixed Life Giving Amulet not showing up in the resurrection animation for Wilba (HAM).
    • Platapine and Poison Dartfrog will no longer become invisible when frozen (HAM).
    • Wormwood will perform its special animations when fertilizing itself and crafting a living log while on a boat (HAM).
    • Added missing lost relic’s textures when retrieved for “The Blue Sow” and “The Jeweled Truffle” (HAM).
    • Fixed a non-looping Reeds animation (HAM).
    • Fixed fire FX position on Spider Monkeys (HAM).
    • Fixed the impact FX of Dragoon Eggs being different than in Shipwrecked (HAM).
    • Fixed mouse over selection for Lamp Posts (HAM).
    • Fixed Crumbling Brazier’s fire being too far from the Brazier (HAM).
    • Fixed the player’s face becoming invisible during the BFB grabbing animation, if wearing a hat (HAM).
    • Fixed minor issues with Wheeler’s hair in some animations (HAM).
    • Fixed the color of the Tall Grass hacking FX (HAM).
    • Fixed Peagawks in their bush form showing already collected feathers (HAM).
    • Fixed missing floating animation for “Pig Skin?” (HAM).
    • Fixed Hippopotamoose’s freeze effect not fitting their model (HAM).
  • Interface Fixes
    • Fixed some craft tab popup’s alignments and an issue with the tabs layering (ALL).
    • Fixed using an item on another item in inventory in controller mode not returning to the correct HUD stage (ALL).
    • Clicking “random” in character selection now no longer shows the random character (ALL).
    • Fixed the HUD and menus not scaling correctly on 2k or 4k monitors (ALL).
    • Fixed the rain’s sound volume under trees not scaling with the rain’s intensity (ALL).
    • Fixed WX-78’s overcharge sound not playing after save-load (ALL).
    • Fixed items not remembering their previous inventory slot if previously stored in a backpack (ALL).
    • Fixed night ambient light not getting fully dark again after lightning strikes during the night (ALL).
    • Fixed Depth Worm burrowing sound not looping smoothly (ALL).
    • Fixed the window icon not displaying correctly on Windows (ALL).
    • Fixed an issue where the character’s portrait was not loaded correctly, displaying Wilson, when using the cancel menu key to go back from the world details popup (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed ambient sound from higher DLCs in lower DLCs. For example: turfs from HAM will have their ambient sounds when placed in SW or RoG maps. (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed moisture and Living Artifact meters not showing their numbers in controller mode (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Aporkalypse not having ambient light if started during night (HAM).
    • Fixed the screen insanity effect caused by Queen Woman’s sound attack not disappearing sometimes (HAM).
    • Fixed the Hay Fever overlay appearing immediately on the first Hay fever (HAM).
  • Sound Related Fixes
    • Extinguishing explosives will interrupt their burning sound (ALL).
    • Thumper and Telipad now have their sounds when not used by Wagstaff (ALL).
    • Fixed Doydoys continuing to make the mating sound after animation ends (SW).
    • The Luxury/Tropical Fan now uses its sounds while used on boats (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed hacking things not starting the working music (SW, HAM)
    • Fixed Fountain of Youth emitting sounds when dry after load (HAM).
    • Fixed Elder Mandrakes making Bunnyman sounds (HAM).
  • Crashes
    • Fixed a crash related to ghosts (ALL).
    • Fixed a possible crash caused by mobs that are part of herds (ALL).
    • Fixed a crash caused by using weather pain or explosives on sunken relics, fireflies and others (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Sail Stick crashing the game when equipped outside Hamlet or Shipwrecked worlds (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed crash caused by canceling instrument animations (Pan Flute, Bird Whistle, etc) (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed a crash related to the Root Trunk’s item storage entity being destroyed. (HAM).
    • Fixed a crash caused by Firecrackers ignited inside containers (HAM).
    • Fixed a crash when mobs stole something from Pig Shop shelves (HAM).
  • Creature Fixes
    • Fixed Splumonkeys dropping more loot than they should (ALL).
    • Gobblers will no longer be able to hide in limpet rocks or coffee bushes (SW, HAM).
    • Swimming Horror will no longer teleport to the same spot when hit in lily ponds (HAM).
    • City pigmans, pigmans and wildbores will not gift Wilba every time the game is loaded (HAM).
    • Spider Monkeys will no longer infest a new tree on every world loading (HAM).
    • Shopkeepers will not get stuck on shop pedestals anymore (HAM).
    • Vipers that fall from trees will target the tree cutter as intended (HAM).
    • Glowfly will no longer cocoon near water, preventing Rabid Beetle from spawning on water (HAM).
    • Piko will no longer steal unrecoverable items, such as Lucy or teleportato parts (HAM).
    • Queen Womant’s loot will no longer get stuck on her throne (HAM).
    • City pigmans, outside shops, will now correctly give naughtiness points when killed (HAM).
    • Fixed Giant Grub not dropping its loot (HAM).
    • Giant Grub’s attack time now matches its animation (HAM).
    • Fixed Thunderbird not using its sleeping animation (HAM).
    • Fixed BFB landing outside the world or on water (HAM).
    • Fixed Gnat Swarm flying in a random direction when brought in from another world (HAM).
    • Fixed Vampire Bats getting stuck in the air if the player exits and enters the world during their landing (HAM).
    • Fixed the possibility of having 2 BFBs in the world at the same time (HAM).
    • Fixed Hanging Vine stealing non-food items (HAM).
    • Fixed Poison Dartfrog defending Hanging Vines (HAM).
    • Fixed Hanging Vines never forgetting their target (HAM).
    • Fixed Queen Malfalfa trying to give daily gifts to the player (HAM).
    • Fixed Hippopotamooses rarely attacking mobs that touch them (HAM).
    • Fixed Ancient Herald not aggroing in the player again after losing aggro (HAM).
    • Fixed Poison Dartfrog spawned by Ancient Herald not dropping from the sky as they should (HAM).
    • Fixed Glowfly Cocoons being able to spawn in water (HAM).
    • Fixed Shopkeepers not panicking when at their desk (HAM).
    • Fixed Dung Beetle not dropping its loot when killed on top of the Dung Ball (HAM).
    • Fixed Pogs not being able to get items out of Crock Pots (HAM).
    • Fixed Pogs trying to reach containers in water (HAM).
    • Fixed Vipers attacking right after spawning (HAM).
    • Fixed Pikos trying to steal backpacks (HAM).
    • Fixed City Pig Mans panicking near shadow creatures and brambles (HAM).
    • Fixed Peagawks feather regeneration not working (HAM).
    • Fixed Shopkeepers calling Royal Guards again after loading the world (HAM).
    • Fixed the Glowflies Cocoon not disappearing if attacked when it hatches (HAM).
    • Fixed Glowflies Cocoons hatching even after being destroyed (HAM).
    • Fixed Gnats making their nest over water (HAM).
    • Fixed Vipers losing aggro on water targets (HAM).
  • Moleworm Fixes
    • Fixed it being able to be picked up without being stunned in some situations (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed them sleeping during the night if they are homeless (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed it coming out of stun to catch a bait (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed it trying to make its home in a water spot (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed it trying to pick up items on water (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed it being able to go into water (HAM).
  • Sealnado Fixes
    • Sealnado will no longer ignore the player if they are too close. (SW).
    • Sealnado will no longer collect irreplaceable items (SW).
    • Fixed Sealnado not considering whether walls are broken or not, in his vacuum attack (SW).
    • Fixed player getting stuck inside Sealnado if vacuumed from a tiny distance (SW).
  • Player Related Fixes
    • Character-exclusive structures will drop their loot when broken/deconstructed by another character (ALL).
    • The following characters will no longer be invisible on Maxwell’s throne: Woodie, Wagstaff, Wheeler, Webber and Wigfrid (ALL).
    • Fixed the craft/pick animation ending abruptly (ALL).
    • Fixed Bat Bat draining sanity when the player is full health and has a health penalty (ALL).
    • Fixed fires caused by Willow reappearing after save-load (ALL).
    • Fixed some issues with Woodie reverting to human form (ALL).
    • Woodlegs’s hat will no longer spawn treasures when repaired (SW).
    • The in-water surfboard now drops its loot when broken/deconstructed (SW).
    • Manure thrown by Wilbur will no longer have a break effect when thrown into water (SW).
    • Properly remove the boat and sail speed bonus when climbing the volcano (SW).
    • Properly removes character-unique speed modifiers on world jump (Wilbur debuff, WX-78 overcharge, etc) (SW, HAM).
    • Wagstaff will have his special voice effect while sailing (SW, HAM).
    • Werewilba will no longer make a shovel sound when digging something (HAM).
    • Fixed Wx-78’s overcharge sound not playing on Hamlet compatible worlds (HAM).
    • Fixed physical attacks poisoning the player, despite doing damage to the boat (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed the player getting pushed when dying in Hamlet compatible worlds (HAM).
    • Wormwood can no longer catch fire while using Living Artifact (HAM).
    • Fixed Living Artifact not improving Wagstaff’s eyesight (HAM).
    • Eating Poison Dartfrog Legs or Tubers while wearing Seashell Suit or Horned Helmet now correctly poisons the player (HAM).
    • Fixed Wilba complaining about her curse forever after using the Silver Necklace to avoid it (HAM).
    • Wheeler and Wilba will get their special items back if they somehow lose them (HAM).
    • Fixed drowned player resurrecting too close to water (HAM).
    • Fixed Wormwood losing sanity when near Snaptooths (HAM).
    • Fixed Wormwood not gaining sanity when planting Seaweed Stalks (HAM).
    • Fixed characters other than Wormwood being able to use Compost Wraps (HAM).
    • Fixed Wheeler’s exclusive items deleting items stored in them when they are removed (HAM).
    • Attempting to load a Pew-Matic Horn that is already full will no longer corrupt the save after save-exit (HAM).
    • Fixed Pew-Matic Horn shoot animation playing in melee attacks if the weapon was never loaded after the save load (HAM).
  • World Fixes
    • Pig Fiesta will no longer last forever after save-load. This fix will be applied to existing worlds as well. (HAM).
    • Pig Fiesta will end if a new aporkalypse begins (HAM).
    • Temperate season will not always be the season at the end of the aporkalypse, which used to happen after save-load (HAM).
    • Fixed Hay Fever staying active after world jumping (HAM).
  • World Gen
    • Fixed ruins world generation rarely missing Ancient Guardian (ALL).
    • Corrects the position of one of the lawn decorations in a setpiece present in cities (HAM).
    • Plants and structures will no longer spawn too close to water in Hamlet’s world generation (HAM).
    • Fixed a set piece not spawning a Smashing Pot (HAM).
    • Fixed the “The Blue Sow” and “The Jeweled Truffle” statues spawning on the wrong side of the room (HAM).
    • Fixed world generation being affected on other worlds if the save slot was Hamlet compatible (HAM).
    • E.g.: Forest worlds generating without rivers dividing biomes.
  • World Customization (HAM)
    • Changing the seasons’ length in Hamlet now works as intended.
    • Crocodog’s raid customization now works correctly in Hamlet-compatible saves.
    • Setting Vampire Bats to “never” now prevents them from spawning in all situations.
    • Fixed Hanging Vines not being affected by the customization.
  • Save/Load Related Fixes
    • Fixed mob house’s lights turning off on load or when hammered (ALL).
    • Fixed Smolders persisting between save-loads and acting weird afterwards (RoG, SW).
    • Meat/fish dropped in water will no longer trigger mobs spawn on world loading (SW).
    • Obsidian tools will not lose their charge on world loading (SW).
    • Fixed Mussel Stick visually showing the wrong amount of mussels after loading the world (SW).
    • Fixed Dogfish visually disappearing from Drying Racks after save-load (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed a problem with Relics being stuck in inventory after loading in SW (HAM).
    • Fixed load issues with Nettle Plant’s production time (HAM).
    • Sprinkler Pipes don’t block the Sprinkler mouse over after load anymore (HAM).
    • Fixed Crumbling Brazier spawning an infinite mini flame next to it if it’s burning during save/load (HAM).
    • Fixed Sandbags blocking passage when broken after save-load (HAM).
    • Fixed Suspicious Stones not appearing visually disarmed after save-load (HAM).
    • Fixed equipped Cowl not giving the player its vision effects after loading a world (HAM).
  • Plants Fixes
    • Fixed plants playing the barren animation transition even though they are already playing the barren animation (ALL).
    • Farm crops will no longer wither when protected by Ice Flingomatic (RoG, SW).
    • Fixed plants withering after their first fertilization (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Snake Den looking fully grown when it is actually withered or chopped down (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Coffee Bush not being able to be fertilized even though it is wilted (SW, HAM).
    • Brambles will no longer spawn so close to water (HAM).
    • Fixed Brambles not spawning on dirt turf (HAM).
    • Fixed Jungle Burr planting itself when inside inventories or containers (HAM).
  • Crafting Related Fixes
    • The farm placement view will now show its decorations and not just the soil (ALL).
    • Unlearnable blueprints will no longer drop (ALL).
    • Fixed Telelocator Focus placer orientation (ALL).
    • Fixed being able to place aquatic structures too close to each other (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed the Key to the City crafting tab constantly disappearing when the item was in backpacks (HAM).
  • Other Fixes
    • Fixed a rare bug that caused Pig and Wildbore houses’s light to stay on during the day (ALL).
    • Hovering over entities with separate parts (fish farms, farms, wood gates, aporkalypse calendar) will apply the whitish effect to all parts (ALL).
    • The manure position when it is pooped by mobs (beefalo, koalefant, etc) will come out on the back of the mob now (ALL).
    • Boomerangs caught mid-air (Eye Plant, Lazy Forager) will no longer act as if they were still in the thrown state (ALL).
    • Many structures that spawn mobs, after being set on fire and extinguished, will spawn mobs again correctly. This doesn’t affect fire farms. (ALL).
    • Crock Pot will now drop everything in its slots when destroyed (ALL).
    • Fixed being able to light Night Light with Fire Staff (ALL).
    • Fixed a bunch of invisible FXs and spawners blocking structure placement (ALL).
    • Fixed Koalefant Trunks not dropping when the mob dies on fire (ALL).
    • Fixed Nightmare Fissures and Nightmare Lights opening and closing quickly after entering ruins and causing a desync between them (ALL).
    • Fixed the Bird Trap rarely deleting its bait (ALL).
    • Fixed earthquake debris killing mobs inside inventories/containers (ALL).
    • Fixed Splumonkey Pods shaking while burned (ALL).
    • The torch and the lighter can set mobs on fire as intended now (Base,  RoG).
    • Fireflies can no longer be captured during the day with the action key (Base,  RoG).
    • Ground-shaking attacks (Bearger, Thumper, etc) will no longer damage the same mob multiple times (Base,  RoG).
    • The weather pain’s tornado now ignores spider webs while moving  (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Beeswax will now melt properly.  (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Weather pain’s tornado no longer affects items in inventories, such as chopping coconuts (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Fixed unstacking wet items not wetting the new stack/item (RoG, SW, HAM).
    • Ice Flingomatic will no longer target Limpet Rocks endlessly (SW).
    • Volcano lava can no longer be removed with pitchfork (SW).
    • Fixed Limpet Rocks being able to be fertilized with things other than Seaweed (SW).
    • Fixed Krissures visually erupting forever (SW).
    • Fixed an FX spawning at the world’s origin when a Floaty Boaty Knight attacks (SW).
    • Fixed volcano-caused earthquakes sometimes not happening after appeasements have been made (SW).
    • Fixed Sharkitten spawning from the Sharkitten Den outside of the Monsoon season (SW).
    • Fixed Quackering Ram not breaking Coral Reefs that had the mineable part mined by it (SW).
    • Dropped fishes will no longer skip the kicking animation (SW, HAM).
    • Added missing dead animation and missing components for fish farm’s fishes (SW, HAM).
    • Fish farm’s sign no longer overlap the boat (SW, HAM).
    • Poison will be cured on world jumping (SW, HAM).
    • The Dragon Egg’s impact marks are at ground level now, not showing over other things (SW, HAM).
    • Fruit Medley and Ratatouille can no longer be cooked with fish ingredients (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed the issue of “ghost” ice and hail, not being able to be picked up (SW, HAM).
    • Sunken items can properly be retrieved with Trawl Net (SW, HAM).
    • Raw Fish will drop cooked instead of turning to ash when a mob that drops it dies while burning (SW, HAM).
    • Ice Maker 3000 will not produce more ice than it should when off screen (SW, HAM).
    • The Telelocator Staff no longer teleports aquatic mobs to land and vice versa (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Raindrops splashing on cave/ruins’s abyss (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Weather Pain’s tornado not opening coconuts when in a stack (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Coconades and Obsidian Coconades not being able to be extinguished correctly (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed the Tar Lamp not being able to be picked up while on and having the “Turn on” prompt when it’s on, sometimes (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Flotsam not respawning (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed not being able to repair a boat with a Boat Repair Kit when not on it (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Sea Trap catching mobs other than lobsters and deleting its bait when picked up (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Coconuts being blown away by the wind when falling (SW, HAM).
    • Fixed Sandbag’s placement grid when outside Shipwrecked (SW, HAM).
    • Smelter will now drop everything in its slots when destroyed (HAM).
    • Fixed an issue with Seaworthy or Skyworthy placed on volcano or in caves (HAM).
    • Feijoada can no longer be cooked without meat if one of the Bean Bugs is cooked (HAM).
    • Fixed Antcomb Homes Mant spawn limit not working (HAM).
    • Fixed being able to place items on Pig Shops shelves (HAM).
    • Fixed extra skeletons spawning if the player dies in one world and revives in another one (HAM).
    • Fixed Bramble Husk not avoiding damage when collecting Spiky Bushes (HAM).
    • Fixed Dubloons not being throwable in Wishing Wells (HAM).
    • Fixed being able to collect alloy from smelters before it’s ready (HAM).
    • Fixed Vortex Cloak Fx getting in the way when trying to click things (HAM).
    • Fixed smelters not dropping alloy when finished burning and the alloy was ready (HAM).


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