Dragalia Lost: Dragon Special Summon Showcase begins July 20
Another Dragon Special Summon Showcase is coming to Dragalia Lost starting in the early morning of July 20th.
This special set will last until July 26th. The full details can be viewed below.
During this showcase, the appearance rates for featured 4★ and 5★ dragons will be boosted. On top of that, 4★ and 5★ adventurers will also be featured!This showcase will be available from 1:00 AM, Jul 20, 2019 to 12:59 AM, Jul 26, 2019.Get a closer look at some of the featured dragons below.Featured dragons:Stats
- Lv100
- HP368
- Strength128
Dragon Details
- A mysterious dragon who dwells in the Library
Obscura. His words are difficult to parse;
his conduct inscrutable. He claims to be an
Emissary for something called the Ancient One,
and that his name is but a word for many beings.Skills
All-Encompassing Darkness
Deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead.Abilities
(Shadow) HP 30% = Strength +50%
If the user is attuned to Shadow:
increases strength by 50% when HP is 30% or above.(Shadow) Last Bulwark Ⅱ
If the user is attuned to Shadow:
grants the user a one-use shield that nullifies
damage less than 60% of their maximum HP
when HP drops to 30%. This does not stack
with any other shields.Stats
- Lv100
- HP369
- Strength126
Dragon Details
- A dragon who births disaster from his wings.
While he rarely involves himself with humans,
he respects any who meet and overcome the
destruction and disease his storms carry.Skills
Catastrophic Winds
Deals wind damage to enemies in a line,
reduces their defense by 5%, and inflicts poison.Abilities
(Wind) Strength +50%
If the user is attuned to Wind:
increases strength by 50%.(Wind) Poisoned Punisher +20%
If the user is attuned to Wind:
increases damage to poisoned enemies by 20%.Stats
- Lv100
- HP374
- Strength121
Dragon Details
- A dragon that rules over death. It’s not so much
that he enjoys murder, but he does thrive off the
strong emotions of the doomed. As such, he
appears in times of plague, war, and disaster,
making him much feared as an ill omen.Skills
Total Eclipse
Deals shadow damage to the target and nearby
enemies, and inflicts blindness.Abilities
(Shadow) HP & Strength +30%
If the user is attuned to Shadow:
increases strength and HP by 30%.
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