Dragalia Lost – Gala Dragalia begins September 27, Platinum Showcase available
A new Gala Dragalia even will be available in Dragalia Lost starting on September 27th, and a Platinum Showcase will be available for purchase during it.
Gala Prince is set to be featured in the Gala Dragalia until October 2nd. Then, past Gala Dragalia adventurers will be available until October 4th.
In addition, a Platinum Showcase will be available for purchase, which is a special tenfold summon that ensures at least one 5-star pickup.
Those interested can view more details below.
In this Gala Dragalia, Gala Prince will be featured from 1:00 AM, Sep 27, 2019 to 12:59 AM, Oct 02, 2019!Additionally, past Gala Dragalia adventurers will be featured from 1:00 AM, Oct 02, 2019 to 12:59 AM, Oct 04, 2019!See below for more information.What is Gala Dragalia?・The initial appearance rate for 5★ adventurers and dragons will be boosted to 6%, which is up from the standard 4%! If you get a 5★ summon or 5★ featured summon, the appearance rate will return to the initial 6%. The appearance rate will also return to the initial 6% when the featured adventurers (period) change.・Limited-time Gala Dragalia versions of adventurers will be added, available only while Gala Dragalia is active!Note: This event will also include Gala Dragalia adventurers who are not featured.Gala Dragalia event duration:・Gala Prince featured period1:00 AM, Sep 27, 2019 to 12:59 AM, Oct 02, 2019・Gala Cleo, Gala Mym, Gala Ranzal, and Gala Sarisse featured period1:00 AM, Oct 02, 2019 to 12:59 AM, Oct 04, 2019Note: Increases to the 5★ and 5★ featured appearance rates before 12:59 AM, Oct 02, 2019 will not be carried over, and will return to the initial 6% when the featured adventurers change.The featured Gala Dragalia adventurers are detailed below.Gala Dragalia adventurers:Stats
- Lv80
- HP758
- Strength502
Adventurer Details
- The seventh heir of Alberia, with fresh resolve
to fight on for Alberius’s will. His kindness and
bravery have attracted many allies to his side,
and he will turn these bonds into strength that
surpass all legend.Skills
Rising Circlet
Deals light damage to surrounding enemies,
and creates a buff zone that lasts for 10 seconds
and increases the strength of adventurers inside it
by 20%.Exalted Glory
Deals light damage to enemies directly ahead,
inflicts paralysis, increases the entire team’s
strength and defense by 15% for 15 seconds,
and grants all teammates a one-use shield that
nullifies damage less than 20% of the user’s
maximum HP. This does not stack with any other
shields. The skill gauge for this skill can be
filled by attacking enemies, but it will also
gradually fill automatically. Abilities that
increase skill gauge fill rate will not affect
this automatic increase.Co-abilities
Shapeshifting Boost VIII
When in dragon form, adds 10% to the damage
modifier and extends shapeshift time by 20%.Abilities
Dragonlight’s Resolve II
Reduces dragon gauge depletion over time by 30%,
and increases attack rate when shapeshifted by 10%.Sacred Shield II
Reduces susceptibility to poison
and curses by 100%.Draconic Charge II
Fills 50% of the user’s dragon gauge when
their HP drops to 30% (once per quest).Stats
- Lv80
- HP785
- Strength489
Adventurer Details
- After discovering an ancient wand in the castle,
Cleo has gained new power and taken her place
on the front lines. Her tactical acumen more than
makes up for her questionable stamina, and she
intends to do much more than heal the wounded.Skills
Ancient Ray
Deals shadow damage to multiple targets
and enemies near those targets, and
activates “Skill Shift” if the attack connects.
Initially, this skill will target three enemies.
Phase II will target four enemies, while
Phase III will target five enemies. Targets
will be chosen by their proximity to the user,
and if the number of enemies available to
target is fewer than the skill’s number of hits,
this selection process will be repeated
for the remaining hits.Faith of the Elders
Deals shadow damage to the target and
nearby enemies, reduces their defense
by 10% for 20 seconds, and activates “Skill Shift”
if the attack connects. Phase II adds an additional
5% decrease to enemies’ strength, while Phase III
also restores HP to all allies and continues healing
over the next 15 seconds.Co-abilities
Skill Damage +15%
Increases attack skill damage by 15%.
Benefits your whole team.Abilities
Magical Modification II
Using Ancient Ray grants the user the
“Altered Strike” effect. When this effect
is active, the user’s next force strike
will create a buff zone that lasts for
10 seconds and increases the strength
of adventurers inside it by 25%.
This effect cannot stack, and will be
consumed on use.Perpetual Protection II
Reduces susceptibility to blindness
and paralysis by 100%.Skill Prep +100%
Fills 100% of skill gauges at the start of quests.Stats
- Lv80
- HP749
- Strength510
Adventurer Details
- The Flamewyrm Brunhilda, who assumed
a human form to be closer to her darling,
the prince. Her love knows no bounds,
and burns hotter than even her own
fierce blazes.Skills
Dragon Claw
Deals flame damage to enemies directly ahead,
and raises the dragon gauge if the attack connects.Flames of Passion
Deals flame damage to enemies in a line.Co-abilities
HP +15%
Increases HP by 15%.
Benefits your whole team.Abilities
Flamewyrm’s Nature II
Reduces susceptibility to burning by 100%.
When shapeshifting for the first time, Mym
will transform into Brunhilda regardless of what
dragon she is equipped with, her strength will
increase by 15% for the remainder of the quest,
and the skill Flames of Passion will be powered
up for the remainder of the quest. The second time
onwards, she will transform into High Brunhilda
instead, and her attack rate while shapeshifted
will increase by 15%.Flamewyrm’s Defiance II
Reduces susceptibility to stun by 100%. When Mym
is hit by an attack that would have stunned her,
the skill gauge for the Dragon Claw skill fills by
50%. After activating, this gauge-filling effect will
not activate again for 15 seconds.Dragon Time +20%
Extends shapeshift time by 20%.Stats
- Lv80
- HP755
- Strength504
Adventurer Details
- Ranzal has been appointed a commander in the
New Alberian army. He wears armor made by his
friends, and has traded the axe of his mercenary
days for a sword. He’s still as boisterous as ever,
but now has the dignity and presence of a leader.Skills
Cyclone Blade
Deals wind damage to the target and nearby enemies.Wind Tactics
Activates “Gale-Clad Sword.” The user’s next three
force strikes are powered up, and can damage
far-away enemies. Also increases the entire team’s
defense by 10% for 10 seconds.Co-abilities
Dragon Haste +15%
Increases dragon gauge fill rate by 15%.
Benefits your whole team.Abilities
Experience’s Boon II
Grants the user an Attack Gauge and a Burst Gauge.
The Attack Gauge fills when regular attacks connect
with enemies, while the Burst Gauge is filled when
force strikes successfully connect.
For every completely filled gauge, the user’s defense
is increased. Any filled gauges are consumed when
using the Cyclone Blade skill, increasing its power.Relentless Spirit II
Reduces susceptibility to freeze and bog by 100%.Skill Damage +30%
Increases attack skill damage by 30%.Stats
- Lv80
- HP843
- Strength485
Adventurer Details
- An archer from Woodhaven whose skills are
equal to her brother, Luca. Rowdy and loud, her
special move is a crushing punch that Luca has
experienced more than once. She left her village
to fight fiends and provide aid to all in need.Skills
Brilliant Bolt
Deals flame damage to enemies directly ahead,
and fires extra shots equal to the number of buffs
the user has. A maximum of seven additional shots
can be fired.Cheerful Assist
Increases the entire team’s strength by 20%
for 10 seconds. If used again, the skill will
increase the entire team’s defense by 20%
for 15 seconds instead, after which the skill
will revert to its initial effect.Co-abilities
Skill Haste +15%
Increases skill gauge fill rate by 15%.
Benefits your whole team.Abilities
Sylvan Strength II
Increases the user’s strength by 2%
and critical rate by 1% for 15 seconds
for every 20-hit combo.Woodland Blessing II
Reduces susceptibility to stun and sleep by 100%.Buff Time +30%
Increases duration of buff skills by 30%.Notes: These are the stats when at maximum level with all mana circles unlocked. They do not include increases due to abilities, and they do not represent the stats when first obtained.Adventurers with the same name cannot be put into the same party.Note:For more information about summoning, tap Summon on the in-game footer menu, then select Showcase Info and check the Details tab.Thank you for playing Dragalia Lost!
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