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Dragon Quest IX info

Posted on June 19, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

* DQ9 was conceived as an evolution of DQ3.
* The theme of the game is ‘independence.’
* Considering the nature of the content, it wouldn’t be far-fetched for one to spend 100 or even 200 hours on the game.
* There are lots of different quests, including some that continue in a line with a steady story.
* You get a damage bonus (combos) for attacking the same enemy consecutively.
* The new dexterity stat affects the chances to run away, and to get a critical hit.
* Items received from breaking pots or barrels might be replenished after some time passes.
* Some of the downloadable quests that will be released after the game is out are supposedly going to be like side-stories involving main story characters.
* Treasure map bosses are very strong and challenging.
* Treasure map dungeon layouts and treasure are randomized to a degree, so each user will have a different experience.
* When you die in multiplayer, you’re given the opportunity wait for help or revive at the church.
* You can exchange items during multiplayer.
* The ‘medal king’ in this game is a former king who wants to be a pirate, Captain Medal.


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