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Dragonball game planned based on movie

Posted on September 30, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

It seems as though these days, any movie that can have a video game tied into it will be released. Twentieth Century Fox has appointed Gary Rosenfeld as the Senior Vice President of New Media Licensing. One of Rosenfeld’s new duties includes looking into possible movies that could be turned into games. And yup – Dragonball is one of the movies that will be considered.

“Rosenfeld will explore opportunities in the growing PC online game space and investigate new business models and partnerships in the console publishing area. A handful of Fox properties will make it to the top of his list as he begins this new endeavor, starting with the studio’s major upcoming film releases and television brands, including Avatar, Night at the Museum – The Battle Of The Smithsonian, Ice Age 3, Dragonball, The Simpsons and Family Guy.”

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