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DS model change may be announced next year according to analyst

Posted on October 9, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

Believe it or not, it’s been only about six months since the Nintendo DSi made its worldwide debut. There’s still a ways to go before a DSi-exclusive games come out and DSiWare has yet to reach its full potential. Considering these facts, it would seem a bit odd to make a prediction about another handheld release.

However, Soichiro Fukuda, an analyst at Citigroup in Tokyo, believes that a DS model change may make its first appearance next June. Presently, the DSi is experiencing continued success in the market and by June 2010, the system will only have been out for a little more than a year. Would Nintendo really be willing to show off its next handheld when the time comes?

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