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E3 2011 – Big year for Nintendo, big year for Nintendo Everything

Posted on May 29, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Keeping this on the front page for the next few days. It’s pretty darn important, so I hope you guys have read about our exciting plans. And again, any input you have in terms of what coverage you’d like to see is 100% welcome.

I should also mention that news will be slow until Monday, as most companies are tight-lipped at this point with news and announcements. We may get some goodies on Thursday, though, thanks to Konami’s pre-E3 event.

E3 2011 is set to be one of the most significant years for Nintendo in recent memory. And it’s also going to be one of the biggest years for Nintendo Everything (and our sister site!). That’s because for the first time ever, we’re going to E3!

Let me explain things a bit. I personally won’t be attending the trade show, but Austin will be along with a few other folks representing the sites. One day I’ll make it out to California… but it’s just not happening this year. Although, staying here might be for the best, since I’ll be able to provide you all with constant coverage throughout E3 week, just like last year.

Now I’m going to let Austin chime in with a few points about what you can expect next week…

(Austin) Hey guys! So here’s the low-down on everything that I’ll be doing and how you can help me with it!

The biggest thing is, of course, that I’ll be at Nintendo’s press conference live-blogging the whole event for you guys to view and chime in on as things happen. I’ve never live-blogged anything before, so this is both really exciting and absolutely terrifying for me. Bear with me as kinks may or may not have to be worked out!

Secondly, I would really love some input on what you guys want covered. If you could just leave a comment on this post with games you want us to play, impressions you want, people you want us to try and talk to, questions for us to ask, etc, that would be greatly appreciated! You guys are all the lifeblood of NE, after all, so it’s only fair we give you first dibs on the coverage you want!

We’ll be trying to do some more round-table discussions from E3 itself, I’ll be doing an episode of That One Show, and you’ll see quite a few impressions/hands on articles as well, but really, it’s up to you what you see in them. Make your voice be heard! If you have any suggestions for unannounced games you want us to play, feel free to wait until they’re announced and then comment on this post as the E3 days go on. I’ll be keeping tabs on them to make sure we get as much as possible!

Thanks so very much you guys!


One last thing from me (Valay). As Austin pointed out, he’s going to do his very best to liveblog Nintendo’s conference. You never know how things will turn out, though, and since this is his first time attending E3, I’m going to be extra careful.

Basically, you can expect the same format as last year in addition to Austin’s liveblog. That means I’ll be posting live updates on the site as the news rolls in. There might be some “stuff” I post on the main site that won’t be on the blog (and vise versa), so you may just want to continuously refreshing the site (without reason… as in not killing the servers!) and have another page open with Austin’s updates.

As mentioned above, Austin and the rest of the crew will have impressions, previews, photos, and hopefully videos/features straight from the showfloor and conference area throughout the week.

I’ll try to bring you guys more information before E3 kicks off!

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