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EA interested in taking risks on Wii

Posted on May 20, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“I can’t speak for the rest of the industry or all of EA but I can speak for my group when I say I think we’ve turned a corner and the industry has woken up to Wii in the right way. We’re seeing a lot of new energy on the platform. One of the things I’ve found when I’ve been building the Nintendo Group is that there’s a lot of very passionate people here. Our job is to find people that can be passionate about Wii and our mission. The vision for the Nintendo Group at Electronic Arts is a long-term one. We always want to have a balanced portfolio but we also want to break some new games and take some risks.” – Joe Booth, Senior Producer for EA’s Nintendo Group

It’s great to hear this kind of attitude from a third-party publisher. And I have to agree with Mr. Booth – The direction that companies have been taking on the platform has changed. Mr. Booth put it best when he said that “the industry has woken up to Wii.”


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