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Echo Generation: Midnight Edition launch trailer

Posted on June 22, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Echo Generation: Midnight Edition trailer

A new launch trailer for Echo Generation: Midnight Edition is here. After it was just recently announced for Switch, the title arrived this week.

Catch up on everything you need to know in the following overview:

Echo Generation is a turn-based adventure game with a supernatural twist. Strange things are afoot in Maple Town: A mysterious crash leads you on a spooky adventure through your hometown. Battle monsters, complete quests and unearth secrets to reveal a conspiracy that transcends time.

Key Features

  • Active Turn-Based Combat: Become a battle master and unlock your hidden potential by collecting over 30 Comic Books, each with their own unique minigames, skills and stat boosts.
  • Gather Your Party: Recruit adorable pet companions on your adventure and utilize their specialized skill sets to face enemies and bosses. Never leave your pets at home again!
  • Explore and Uncover Secrets: The folks of Maple Town are always happy to lend a hand as you complete quests and solve mysteries; some may unlock new paths or hint at a secret or two.
  • Heartwarming Story: Set in the 90s, Echo Generation has a heartwarming story about the supernatural, family and the nostalgia of growing up in a small town.
  • Charming Voxel Art Style: Immerse yourself in the stunning voxel art style of Echo Generation, the second title in the developer’s ‘Voxel Trilogy’ of games.

We’ve attached the Echo Generation: Midnight Edition launch trailer below.

Launch Trailer

Echo Generation: Midnight Edition is now available on the Switch eShop. Keep track of our coverage here.

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