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Epic Mickey will feature world-changing gameplay

Posted on October 22, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“As you play through Disney Epic Mickey, what you do affects you and the game world, and changes how the game plays out. This includes what Guardians you attract, how many, which quests you can finish (and which you can’t), and how you finish the quests you do choose to take on. Some of your actions will affect who is in a particular part of the world, and how they treat you, including whether they choose to even give you quests.” – Epic Mickey producer Adam Creighton

I remember Warren Spector saying that originally, your actions would also change the way Mickey looked in the game, but they took that feature out because it upset some people to see their beloved character look really evil. I’m glad they’re still keeping the idea of a changing world in though! I suppose it wouldn’t be much of a Spector game if it didn’t feature that in some way…

Via Inc Gamers

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