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Final Fantasy Explorers devs on the game’s job system

Posted on July 1, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Final Fantasy Explorers director Atsushi Hashimoto and project manager Takahiro Abe talked more about the 3DS game while speaking with Famitsu, mainly pertaining to the job system.

Here’s the latest on the game:

On what kind of game Final Fantasy Explorers is…

“To put it simply, it’s an action RPG Final Fantasy with multiplayer as a possibility.” – Hashimoto

“When you think about a Final Fantasy series with multiplayer compatibility, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles comes to mind. However, this game is a different from Crystal Chronicles, as it heavily focuses on multiplayer elements as a multiplayer online-type game that connects through local and internet connectivity.” – Abe

On whether the White Mage will mainly be a healer…

“They can be played that way, but there’s also plenty of customizing features, so a ‘battle White Mage” will also be a possibility.” – Abe

– In addition to weapons and equipment, you can switch around abilities to customize your characters, so that makes it possible for all kinds of different party set ups
– Ex: make a party that doesn’t need a White Mage by using healing items or have other jobs that learned the White Mage’s Cure

On whether you’ll have to learn abilities from other jobs, so then you can use them as customized abilities on others…

“Actually, no, the ability acquisition isn’t really connected to the jobs. I thought that the idea of ‘I want to keep playing as a White Mage, but I must change to Black Mage in order to learn offensive magic’ was a little troublesome for this game.” – Hashimoto

“Therefore, you can keep playing as a White Mage and learn Black Mage abilities. This might be a little different from conventional Final Fantasy games, but I felt that this would be a good idea when considering the trends of recent players.” – Hashimoto

“However, the first abilities you’ll unlock will be connected to jobs. For example, an ability that might connect with a Dragoon and spears.” – Hashimoto

– Abe said that Final Fantasy Explorers has most of the jobs you’d expect to see in the Final Fantasy series
– Unique new jobs
– Also jobs that weren’t in any of the main-numbered Final Fantasy games
– 500 different equipment pieces
– Armor consists of parts for the head, body, right hand, left hand, legs, and accessories
– Items are made through material acquired through battles and gathering on the fields


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