Flipper developer making Ace Mathician, first details

Goodbye Galaxy Games, the developer behind Flipper and Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish, is working on a new project titled “Ace Mathician”. Like the studio’s previous two games, Ace Mathician is in the works for DSiWare.
Here’s what we know about the game thus far, courtesy of the game’s official website:
– Puzzle game
– Players progress by using math to reach the exit
– No right/wrong answers
– Math done on the touch screen
– Press the “x” button on the touch screen to erase the formula nd start fresh
– Press the “check” button to enter the formula into the gameworld
– Game knows which options are valid and which ones aren’t
– Can’t enter something like y=*/+-2
– Game offers equations rather than something like “… + 3 = 5” which has only one answer
– Art style is a combination of grid books and 8-bit games
– While players enter a formula, the top screen goes into “math mode”
– When this happens, the level fades out slightly to represent graph on grid paper
– Top screen will show the axes on the grid
– Red outline of the platforms show the new position of the platform, allowing players to see the changes they’ll make to the world
– Play as the Koala called Ace, who is looking for fruit
– The most delicious fruit tends to be out of reach
– Math changes Ace’s world
– Reach the fruit
– Collect stars
– Get a higher score by collecting more stars
– Don’t have to collect every star to complete a level; only the fruit is needed
– Can revisit levels and try to earn a better score
– Hazards will impede your progress
– 4 maths options/symbols in players’ inventory
– Use the symbols to form any kind of math formula
– Platforms that can move in a level are marked with a red or blue colored outlining
– These platforms will change based on players’ formula
– Game is described as “quite easy”, but “the later levels of the game will make a fine challenge”
– Math options and formulas are limited so that the game doesn’t become unplayable
– Later levels feature multiple groups and enemies
– Numerous worlds in the game
– Each world has a theme and adds something new, such as spikes, multiple groups, or enemies
– 5 levels in each world
– 3 stars in each level
– Developer looking to price the game at 200 points
– 1.5 – 2 hours of gameplay