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Flutter Away launch trailer

Posted on August 6, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Flutter Away launch trailer

Tying in with the release of Flutter Away on Switch, a launch trailer has gone live. It’s one last video for the cozy nature exploration game.

Find some additional information about it in the following overview:

Set up camp, walk the nearby tracks and enjoy the beauty of the rainforest at whatever pace is most comfortable.

Search for mushrooms, frogs, flowers and other rainforest life as a skilled butterfly researcher. Photograph discoveries to reveal more in a detailed nature journal.

Encounter all kinds of creatures and plant life. Build a friendship with a shy Capybara and discover her secret!

Experience the relaxing feeling of spending time alone in nature. Enjoy the soothing ambiance of the cascading waterfall, capture the magnificent hues of the sunset through your lens, and marvel at the twinkling stars that light up the night sky.

For a look at the Flutter Away launch trailer, continue on below.

Flutter Away is out now on Switch as an eShop download.

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