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Frozen North Productions: Flip’s Twisted World is not here to rip-off Mario

Posted on July 26, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“Well back in the day, people called Sonic the Hedgehog a Super Mario Bros ripoff, right? I will go so far as to say that we took a lot of inspiration from the visual aesthetic of Super Mario Galaxy, even adopting a similar rim-lighting effect, because it just worked. The rim lighting and vibrant colours really allow the environments and characters to pop, which is important in a game that plays with spatial orientation as much as Flip’s. We did, however, take a lot of inspiration from many different games: the painterly style of the textures in Kingdom Hearts, the colour palettes of Wind Waker and Lost Winds, etc. Aside from visual style, Flip’s is a very different game. We’re game developers and we love what we do. We’re not here to ride the Mario train to Moneytown, we’re here to put a unique twist, pardon the pun, on platforming. Whereas in SMG the gravity and Mario’s physical reaction to it is out of the player‘s control, in Flip’s we put that power literally in the player’s hand. By holding ‘B’ and twisting the Wii remote, the player can turn Flip, the world, and even some objects and characters, at will at any time. This enables an unprecedented level of exploration and a truly 3D platforming experience.” – Frozen North Productions CEO Julian Spillane

I have to say, the more I hear about this new Flip’s Twisted World game, the more I get excited for it. If that gameplay hook works, it really opens up some awesome doors for gaming!

Via Dtoid

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