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G4 bashes Zelda: Skyward Sword

Posted on September 27, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

It’s no secret that G4 has been involved with quite a bit of Nintendo bashing in the past. I can still remember when Morgan Webb essentially called Super Mario Galaxy kiddy a couple of years ago.

And now they’re at it again! In a video that covers action games, Webb and Adam Sessler touch briefly on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword… except their comments aren’t too positive.

Adam Sessler: Zelda. I think it is curious. Of course I’m going to play it, but it’s not drawing up that same level of enthusiasm that a Zelda game usually would.

Morgan Webb: *Yawns* Okay, I think basically what it is is that you show Zelda and then right after that we showed Uncharted, and just the difference in graphics and just adult nature of Uncharted…the graphics were beautiful.

Adam Sessler: And the evolution of gameplay…it doesn’t feel like we’ve really graduated from what we experienced in Ocarina of Time.

Morgan Webb: And how great would a Zelda game be on a modern console with modern graphics. We’re never going to see that.

I know there hasn’t been as much hype for Skyward Sword as the typical Zelda game, but I don’t see how anyone can say that the experience is still similar to Ocarina of Time. I mean, there are so many enhancements and changes compared to Twilight Princess.

Just off the top of my head:

– Completely new upgrade system (create items completely from scratch)
– Seamless transition between the overworld and enemies
– Puzzles for enemies (instead of just mashing a button or waving the Wiimote)
– Little touches that play into puzzles such as the stamina meter, jumping over shields, etc.
– Revisiting dungeons
– Second quest and Boss Challenge mode (rarely seen in Zelda games)

And remember, much of the game is still under wraps. People will always have their own opinions, but some of these comments are unfair.


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