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GAMELION announces “Furry Legends”, a WiiWare Development.

Posted on February 2, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Gamelion announces an ongoing development for WiiWare. Debut title “Furry Legends” is a casual action and platform game.

In “Furry Legends” players take control of characters who are best described as a furry ball. “Furry Legends” will feature a couple of unique characters, each with its unique powers, allowing the player to perform various moves depending on the character selected. Players will be able to roll, jump, bounce, attack and perform other various moves with their spherical character. Gamelion aims to please both casual and hardcore crowds, with easy to pick up and hard to master gameplay, as well as brilliant, full 3D graphics packed with detail and a healthy dose of humor. The game features controls taking advantage of the Wii Remote as well as a robust physics system, which will be used to solve different puzzles player might roll into.

Key features of “Furry Legends”:

* Robust physics engine, allowing the player to solve sophisticated puzzles
* Full 3D Graphics, with 2D gameplay
* Full screen post-processing effects
* Tons of humor
* Varied in-game environments
* Fun and cute characters
* Challenging levels
* Intriguing story

?ukasz Szczepa?ski, Producer of “Furry Legends”: “We’re all very excited about this project. It’s our first step into WiiWare, and we’re committed to debut with a very polished, high quality title. The team shows a lot of enthusiasm for the project and I’m confident that we’ll succeed in delivering a quality title to the gamers around the world.”

In the near future Gamelion will release more information about the upcoming project. A developer’s blog will be established on a dedicated website to inform the community about the developments, as well as to share the behind the scenes information.

“Furry Legends” is estimated to be completed in the first half of 2009, but no exact information can begiven at this time.


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