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GameStop puts an end to the Donkey Kong 3D rumors

Posted on March 13, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

A game box was spotted at an Australian EB Games store over the weekend, stirring speculation about a possible Donkey Kong 3D game for Nintendo’s newest handheld. However, GameStop has confirmed today that Nintendo did not provide the display cases and have put an end to the rumors.

A GameStop representative said:

“The displays were not supplied by Nintendo and have been taken down. It’s definitely not in the system in the U.S. I’m sure it’s not elsewhere, either, but I can’t confirm that.”

So there you have it. There is no Donkey Kong title in the works for the 3DS (as far as we know at least!). I’m sure we’ll see a new game in the franchise one day given how successful Donkey Kong Country Returns was, but there isn’t a new game on the horizon.

Thanks to Lars H for the tip!


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