Goodbye Galaxy Games bringing Tappingo to the 3DS eShop
Goodbye Galaxy Games, developer of the Flipper, Color Commando, and Ace Mathician games, is creating its first project for the 3DS eShop known as “Tappingo”. It has over 100 puzzles to complete based on different themes, a time attack mode, and more.
Here’s an overview of how the game works, courtesy of the official Tappingo website:

– The main goal is to solve the puzzle by making all the Lines the correct length
– If the player is successful a picture will appear
– Each block has a arrow pointing either (up, down, left or right).
– The number indicates how long the line has to be.
– If the player taps on the block, the line will start running.
– The line will ONLY stop if it hits another block.
– You can re-tract a line by tapping the block again.
– When a line is running, it will count down to 0.
– If the line is not stopped at 0, it will start to count up again showing a red number.
– If the line is stopped at 0, a ‘OK’ sign will be shown.
– The main goal is to get all blocks to show ‘OK’.
Tappingo does not have a release date at present. You can find more information about the game on the website here.