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Grounded Switch tech analysis, including frame rate and resolution

Posted on April 23, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Grounded frame rate resolution

Grounded recently appeared on Switch, and Digital Foundry now gives us a closer look at the technical side of things with a new analysis, including frame rate and resolution. We also get to find out about visual differences made to get the game running on the system.

Here’s the full roundup of tidbits:

– Cross-play supported
– Just about every setting paired back on Switch
– Resolution when docked runs between 720p and 360p
– 600p is the most typical number
– Install size is 3.1GB vs. roughly 10GB on other platforms
– Texture resolution lowered across the garden
– More pop-in on Switch
– Depth of field effect is gone
– Volumetric effects and light shafts disabled on Switch
– Character self shadows removed while looking down at your feet
– Decorative detail reduced up close
– Physics of the swaying grass blades are maintained
– Screen space reflections also in tact
– Initial loading time is over a minute long
– Similar docked/portable graphics settings
– Lower typical resolution when in portable mode
– Grounded frame rate targets 30 FPS on Switch
– Frame times can be all over the place
– Semi-regular traversal hitches that cause brief hang-ups in play
– Auto-saving stutters, but can lower frequency in the settings
– Most outdoor areas are 30 FPS
– Going into the lab can reduce things into the 20s

Check out the full Grounded tech analysis below for further details on the Switch version’s frame rate, resolution, and more.

Grounded is currently available on Switch.

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