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Half of UK Wii owners have not played Wii in six months or more

Posted on March 9, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Anyone who has talked to me knows that I’m a big advocate of the Wii. Sure, it’s a little underpowered and has a lot of shovelware, but frankly it has a massive library of undiscovered gems that no one seems to know about or care about. That’s why, to be honest, it’s not such a huge surprise that nearly half of Wii owners in the United Kingdom have not used their console in over six months.

The survey covered 1,672 people aged 18 or older, and while 64% said they owned a Wii console, 48% said they had not used it in at least six months. The reasons? Mostly due to lack of time, but other factors include the novelty wearing off and the movement to either PS Move or Microsoft’s Kinect.


Via Gamerzines

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