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How we’re handling deals/savings content from here on out

Posted on August 5, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

So, VGSavings. It’s officially a failed experiment.

I’ve been thinking about the best course of action for the site for a few weeks now. And after talking with some folks and taking everything into account, I’ve decided that it’d be best to shut it down. I’m not sure if that’s a permanent decision, but that’s where things stand for the time being.

It’s incredibly tough managing a site. For the most part, I somehow have two running by myself. I think I underestimated how much work and effort is required in keeping a site up-to-date on a daily/hourly basis. VGSavings certainly opened my eyes to those challenges once again. Clearly I’m not in a position to be overseeing and writing for a third site at the moment.

Now, even though VGSavings is out of the picture, I do plan on updating Nintendo Everything and Gaming Everything with deals/savings/other offers on a more regular basis. I’m not sure why this had been a neglected area previously… but hey, we’re looking to fix that now. Although you won’t see as much savings content on NE/GE as you would on VGSavings, this is something I’ll be covering more frequently.

It’ll be a win-win for everybody – less pressure on me having to maintain a third website, and more opportunities for you guys to save some dough.

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