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Hulu app arrives on Switch in Japan

Posted on April 27, 2022 by in News, Switch

Nintendo has just announced that Hulu is being made available today for Switch users in Japan. The app was originally released in North America not long after the Switch’s launch back in 2017, but hadn’t made its way to any other territories.

It’s an interesting move, particularly since Nintendo has slowly been adding more media apps to its catalog. Just a few months ago, Crunchyroll made its way to the system in a surprise release and a few months before that, Pokemon TV landed on the eShop. Although a few other apps like Youtube and Funimation have been on the platform for a while, it’s been mostly devoid of several larger streaming services like Netflix and Disney+. This should remedy that problem a little, at least for Japanese users.

It’s possible that the recent release of these few streaming apps might foreshadow a more thorough rollout of the services, although there’s no real way to be sure. There have been long-standing rumors of a Netflix app making its way over, but nothing has come of that yet. There hasn’t been any information on a Hulu app releasing in other territories like Europe either. Regardless, we’ll keep you updated if and when new information pops up.



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