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i.TV discusses the origins of its collaboration with Nintendo

Posted on September 15, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Nintendo is obviously involved with Nintendo TVii, but there is another company at work behind the application.

You may have heard a brief mention of i.TV during the Wii U press conference on Thursday. Indeed, these are the main folks who are responsible for the functionality.

How’d this collaboration come about? i.TV Brad Pelo gave a brief overview, noting that it essentially started out after last year’s E3.

“For Nintendo TVii, there is a mutual benefit in existing relationships we have. Like TiVO for example — we were the first to bring TiVO to the mobile platform. There’s also the benefit of tests that we have done over the years with the cable companies, based on components of our platform.

“The genesis of the experience you’re seeing here was really when the Wii U was announced, and it was clear that this is the ideal second screen. You might not think of it as the ideal hardware compared to an iPad if I really had a dedicated second screen. But it is in the living room, and it’s persistent. It doesn’t even really work outside of the living room — it’s attached to the main viewing service in the home.”


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