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Icey arrives on Switch next week

Posted on May 23, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop


Icey had previously been given a May release window on Switch. With the month almost over, time was quickly running out. However, a new listing on the Japanese eShop confirms a launch date of May 31.

We have more information about Icey below, along with a trailer.

Icey is a 2D side-scrolling ACT and a META game in disguise. As you follow the narrator’s omnipresent voice, you will see through Icey’s eyes and learn the truth about her world. The narrator will constantly urge you in one direction, but you must ask, “Why? Why am I following his directions?”

You Decide What the Real Story is in Icey

As you follow the narrator’s omnipresent voice, you will see through Icey’s eyes and learn the truth about her world.

“All right, you caught me! This ISN’T really just a simple 2D action game, and you WON’T be seeing through Icey’s eyes…NOR will you learn the truth about her world,” says the narrator.

Icey is a meta game in disguise. The narrator will constantly urge you in one direction, but you must ask, “Why? Why am I following his directions? Why can’t I learn the truth about this world and Icey’s purpose here?” Fight against his tyranny, and uncover what’s really going on for yourself!

The Real Story

On the surface, players take on the role of a young girl with no memory, with only the voice of an omnipotent narrator to guide them through Ultimopolis on their quest to find Judas, a dangerous and powerful enemy. Look deeper, however, and players are actually acting as themselves. Should they resist the narrator’s instructions and instead help Icey discover her own self-awareness? You will play as “Icey”…and you will not play as “Icey.”

Hack and Slash

There are plenty of combo attacks to tie together during battle in Icey. Once enemies are sufficiently weakened, you’ll be able to dispatch them quickly in a flurry of slashes. Absorb energy released from kill shots to then release a massive attack that damages all enemies within view.

Source: Switch eShop

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