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Inafune leaving Capcom, Daletto at the end of the month

Posted on October 29, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

This information comes from Keiji Inafune’s blog…

“Work as a CEO requires speaking about your dreams and evaluating your subordinates. If you can do these two things, anyone can be CEO. I’ve always thought that, and I still do. However, I can no longer do these two at Daletto. I’ve lost the authority to evaluate my subordinates and the qualification to speak about my dreams.”

“It would probably be good for me to sit gracefully in this seat and become a leading figure in the industry. However, I cannot do this. Settling down means death for a creator. As long as you are a creator, you cannot settle down. Capcom is truly a good company. I love Capcom. Probably more than anyone in the world. However, it’s not always the case that your hopes are realized. Just as it was with the girlfriend I loved long ago. There was a chance that I could continue to be Capcom’s power. I bet on that chance until the end. The means of both Capcom and myself to be happy. That was surely possible. However, now that chance is completely closed off. Capcom must, from here on out, walk without me. I too can not depend on Capcom.”

Wow… This definitely comes as a shocker. Never did I think that Inafune would leaving Capcom, especially without any real notice! He’s had a great impact on the company, and he was a significant part of projects that are in the works right now as well. I’m wondering how titles such as Mega Man Legends 3 will turn out without Inafune’s presence.


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