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Interview questions wanted and… Nintendo Everything turns 3!

Posted on October 22, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Going to keep this on the front page until Sunday morning. Once again, I’m very, very appreciative of all the warm feedback! Make sure to check out Patrick’s 3DS Virtual Console article below this post, and feel free to comment on this one if you have a question about Okamiden/Epic Mickey!

Just a quick note before I mention our site’s anniversary: We’re preparing two interviews which we’ll post on the site within the next few weeks. One is for Okamiden, and the other is for Epic Mickey. Oddly enough, both games are two of my most anticipated titles at the moment! In any case, if you have any questions about either game, let us know via the comments section below and we’ll try to relay them to our interviewees.


Moving on – yes, it’s true… It’s been three years to the date since Nintendo Everything opened its doors. Surprised? Yeah, it kind of caught me off guard as well. It’s remarkable how fast three years can go by!

Like I was telling Austin yesterday, it truly amazes me that the site has been around for so long. Unfortunately for us, NE was established long after the blog explosion, and once most of the popular gaming/Nintendo publications started. We essentially started from nothing, and scratched and clawed our way to become somewhat relevant. But I’m thrilled with the position we’re at today, and I have a feeling we’re only going to get stronger from here on out. It seems as though many sites tend not to make it past their first year, so I’m definitely pleased that we’ve made it this far.

With that said, things from here on out won’t be easy. I’m in a bit of a difficult position; Blogging on Nintendo Everything and Gaming Everything – believe it or not – isn’t my day job. I’m usually out an about – I have many, many responsibilities and things to do outside of working on the two sites. So, usually that means I’m stressed out of my mind every day, looking for a way to find more time, and trying to balance everything at once.

Still, like I said last year, I don’t plan on closing NE down anytime soon. And one of the main reasons for that is because of how important you guys are to the site. Really, without your interest in what we do, we’d be nothing! That’s why I absolutely love it when I see you guys comment – It lets me know that there are people out there reading our posts! I truly hope you all know how important you are to me, as well as the rest of the staff. Hopefully I’ll continue to see our regular commentators on the site, as well as some news faces. Here’s to another three years of Nintendo Everything!

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