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Introducing NE’s “What do YOU think?” articles

Posted on December 20, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

A couple of weeks ago, I posted an article talking about my gaming epiphany, hoping to share my roots of gaming with the rest of you, and maybe even grab a few responses to see exactly where all of you guys started. Little did I know I’d get so many responses! Many of you posted long descriptions of the first big title you played, or how you started to really get into games. The feedback was so strong, in fact, that I came to Valay asking if there was any way to “official-ize” this question/response sort of article to garner even more responses. After a bit of discussion, we settled on a new set of weekly articles titled, “What do YOU think?” articles. In the interest of keeping things short, I’ll try and make this quick.

Essentially, these articles will have a topic, and ask you all to give your thoughts on it. For instance, last time the topic was “Gaming Epiphanies”, and this week the topic is “First Party Nintendo Franchises”. All you’ve gotta do is read the short article and head on down to the comments section to post your own personal response. Each week I’ll pick out some of the best responses from the week prior and post them up with next week’s article for everyone to read. Sound simple enough? I hope so. If you’ve got any questions, feel free to e-mail either myself or Valay through NE’s contact form, or simply leave a comment. With that out of the way, stay tuned for the first article going up in just a bit!

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