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Iwata confirms digital distribution for 3DS

Posted on June 22, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

“… I can’t go into detail on what the plans are today, but of course, with a device like Nintendo 3DS, we do intend to offer some type of digital distribution. What I can say is that if that type of digital distribution is not something that is very new and fresh compared to what we have done with Nintendo DSi, then I think we’re going to have a hard time reaching out beyond the audience that actively seeks out that type of digital content. So up until now, much of the digital distribution focus has been on more of a “pull type” where the consumer goes out, gets the content and pulls it to themselves. With Nintendo 3DS, we’re looking at a model that would be more focused around the “push type,” where we’re able to push information or content out to the device. And with a model like that, what it means is that because the consumer doesn’t have to actively seek out the information themselves, it gives us a venue for creative new ideas of our company or of our developers to reach consumers much more easily. And ideally, if it is possible, we would like to try and find ways to customize that functionality as much as possible to meet our consumers’ tastes. Unfortunately, we can’t go into detail on that today because there’s still a number of questions about the degree to which we’ll be able to do that. But I would like to say that we are thinking seriously about strengthening digital distribution.” – Satoru Iwata

Based on all of those Japanese trademarks we saw recently, this doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Now I just want Iwata to confirm a complete Virtual Console for the 3DS!


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