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Iwata: Next Nintendo console won’t be releasing in the near future

Posted on August 10, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

With Wii sales at their current state, it almost seems silly to be discussing the next Nintendo console. Of course, the Wii isn’t at its highest demand as it once was, but overall sales have remained stable. Even so, Satoru Iwata was asked about the possibility of a new console at the first quarter financial results briefing. Don’t get too excited – Nintendo has no plans of releasing a new console in the near future.

“…Numerically there is still a possibility to even double the current user population of Wii and DS. Thus we do not believe at all that the expansion has come to an end nor do we need a new console any time soon. So we have not set specific years for the lifespan of current game systems. Of course our employees are researching hardware and those in charge of hardware are already working on developing it. When our internal ideas and trend in the world match up, and when it’s clear that we would be able to manufacture an abundant amount at an affordable price, we will be able to publicly speak about next hardware. At this time, we do not think that is in the near future.”

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