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Iwata talks Rhythm Heaven Wii, says it’s a button-only game

Posted on April 26, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from Satoru Iwata…

“The new ‘Rhythm Paradise’ game we showed you in our Financial Results Briefing in January will be available this summer. I tried out a near-final version of the game, and felt that this ‘Rhythm Paradise,’ playable with a TV monitor, never loses the uniqueness of the original ‘Rhythm Paradise.’ In contrast to ‘Wii Remote Plus Variety’ I introduced before, this game is intentionally designed to be played only with buttons. We have sharpened such different attraction of both titles that we believe that you can have a totally different kind of fun.”

Button-only gameplay is perfectly fine with me! There are many cases in which motion controls aren’t necessary, and I believe Rhythm Heaven Wii is one such example. Now, let’s hope Nintendo announces the game for overseas territories…


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