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Iwata: We haven’t said anything about hard drive inclusion with Wii U

Posted on June 13, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was asked how large the Wii U’s hard drive will be to accommodate digital downloads during a recent investors Q&A session.

But wait… Nintendo hasn’t said anything about a built-in hard drive. In fact, they’ve hinted that one won’t be included with the system.

Here’s how Iwata reacted to the question:

“We haven’t said anything about the hard drive that we’ll be including with the system itself. But we have said, through the USB connection, consumers will be able to take advantage of a wide range of the hard drives that are available in the market, and for quite cheap now, to add memory to their system however they like.”

I’m sure there won’t be a hard drive included with Wii U. Nintendo has basically said that, without doing so explicitly. A lot of hard drives are very cheap these days, so I personally don’t see the lack of its inclusion as a big deal.


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